Yay I had my dating scan!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I had my first scan yesterday and i'll be 7 weeks pregnant on Sunday. The baby has a good strong heart beat and is very well. I'm so glad everything is ok all that worrying for nothing lol
The arrows are for my boyfriends mum's benefit :D
I wanted to make sure she know what was what

that's sooo cool!! You must be made up! Congrats!

Thanks :dance:

It only just started sinking in that I was pregnant and then I had the scan so it's sinking in all over again :D
oooh! Can't wait for my dating scan! I'm seeing the midwife for the first time in about an hour. Keep hoping that I might get a scan there and then but I doubt there's any chance of that. I can dream though!!

It's one thing seeing a line after peeing on a stick, but seeing your little bean must be 100 times better!

Awww i'm sooo pleased for you flower, got mine on 1st Feb fingers crossed its as clear as yours,

Can i just ask if it was an internal or "normal" scan?

Mines an internal and i'm worried as i have had one already and they scare me lol
It was a normal scan. I haven't seen the midwife yet but my doctor gave me her number so I rang her up and asked her if I could have a scan to find out how far gone I'am and lucky me I got the scan for 3 days later. It was great seeing the little heart beating it looked like a tiny light flickering. :D
Awww so please for you!!!
And very jealous lol :hug:
Aww FeeFee your only a day ahead of me your baby is due the day before me :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Fingers crossed everything is ok, i had a emergency scan on Monday and all the sonographer could find was a sac and yolk, no heart beat, she mentioned it could be that it was because i was only 6 weeks or it could be that the bleed i had was a M/C but i wont know for sure untill 1st Feb,
Really hope everything is ok and that we can continue to chat, it would be fab to have someone near me date wise to winge to :rotfl:
I just noticed your in Weymouth, My family are from Weymouth my g'pa is still there and my sister has now moved from the Esplanade to Dorchester i had a flat in Portland and me and DH got married at Weymouth registry office in June last year, with our reception at the Portland Heights, talk about small world :shock:
aww thats sooo great Vicky, I'm soooo jealous. I'm hoping Dr might send me for an early dating scan cos of my all over the place cycles. But will have to wait and see.
Thanks Kimisgirl thats why I asked for an early scan because my periods were all over the place and I really didn't have the slightest clue how far gone I was.

Wow FeeFee it really is a small world. I used to live in Portland and I went to the porland heights last month for my boyfriends christmas work party it was very posh! I also work in Dorchester hospital, well I did but when I found out I was pregnant I decided it could be to risky for the baby because of all the nasty bugs you can catch. Luckily my other half is a stone mason so he's on a good wage to support me and the baby.
Glad scan went well...I'm so jealous :wink:

Wish I could have an early scan because I dont know if I'm 6 weeks or 10 weeks :shock: (last AF only lasted a few hours so not sure if it was actually AF at all) Hopefully midwife is getting in touch with me on Wednesday :pray: because I was discussing situation at docs today

Anyway, will stop going on...very pleased for you, you must be over the moon :hug:

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