yay...first milestone achieved :D

aww bless her my dd is the same and shes only 4 lmao :D and yeah i hate not knowin at the mo too, seems ages away until all those appointments and scans etc wish it would hurry up! my friend whose pregnant atm says she felt sick with all her boys (she has 3 girl and 3 boys atm...pregnant with her 4th boy) she said its something to do with us females not being used to the male hormone, dunno how true that is, guess we shall see at the 20wk scan eeek :D xx
haha yep...and her new partner is wanting another in a couple of years although shes not overly keen on the idea haha, understandably lol xx
no I do't blame her! I would love to have maybe 3, but depends on how everything works out I suppose. My oh is adamant he only wants 1, but I will be changing his mind!! :p xx
hehe kanga...both me and my OH said we were only having one...4 yrs later and hey presto!!! we both changed our minds :D lol x
Yay! Well done sweet pea! Won't belong and It will be time for your scan!xxx
thanks sunbeam :) just hope it goes really quick until the scan now!! xx
Congrats Deedee :pompom: I think you have a sticky little beanie in there. I love how you are doing little milestones, I am gonna do that too when the time comes xx
hehe thanks Lisey...i might even do a little jiggle when i get to 7weeks lol...i really do hope i have a sticky bean this time, hate having to wait so long for the scan :( x
Could you call EPU and ask if they'd scan you early? Perhaps say how concerned you are because you MC last time? xx
i had actually considered ringing my midwife and seeing what she thought about an early scan, hmm may have to give her a bell tomorrow and see what she says, it would put my mind at ease for deffo, think its just hard after a mc as your constantly wondering if things are going ok :/ i'm sure with my symptoms they are but it would be nice just to be doubly sure :) x
Yay congrats on the 6 week mark hunny. Like Kanga I'm a few days behind but can't wait to reach that milestone, bit closer to the 12 week mark! xxx
ahh you aint got too long to wait hun :D get tomorrow out the way and your there :) eeek so exciting! i have the odd moments, somedays i'm relaxed about it and checking the loo roll every time i go and others i'm excited and dont bother haha!! roll on that first scan :D x
I know I still can't help but check the loo paper - lovely ay but I'm trying to chill. Nausea is starting to come through, we had thunder last night and he dogs got scared so raced out of bed to see if they were ok. Big mistake as moving so fast made me feel so sick for the next 2 hours :( But like the other girls have said nausea is quite comforting :)

I was chatting to my sister yesterday as she's one of the very few people who know and apparently in our family i you are physically sick it indicates girl but just feeling sick indicates boy. I don't know why but I have a feeling it's a boy :) xxx
Oooh good luck with your scan hun :) and yeah every week is a bonus indeed :) xx[/QUOTE]

Thanks hun xxx
Its funny how u just get a feeling that its one sex or the other...i am swaying towards a boy too :) i guess only time will tell :D eeek!! x

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