Yay felt it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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I know half of you will think i'm daft but i got a little bump from baby today! :cheer:

I felt my daughter at 14/15 weeks last time and this time its even earlier! I felt a few bubble like poppings over the past 2 days and today a definate little tap.

I am not going mad, i am so excited! I felt baby move at 11 weeks! YAY!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
ive only just felt mine this weekend... im still pretty sure its my mind playin tricks... but its still happening!

dont you believe :cry: me, lol.

I felt a few little moves but this one was definatly baby, i've not heard of many people feeling it this early but i was really early last time too, so must just be lucky. I am quite slim and my stomach is very sensitive to food etc too, so think i must have a thin uterus :cheer: wall!
Dang lucky girl!..lol..of course we believe u hunny...i wanna feel my baby too!!! :evil: :rotfl:
I believe you, ok i know im barely into my pregnancy but does anyone feel like theres something going on in there? not pain just like bubbles and like things are urm, getting readdy...
Course I believe you, hope I feel mine earlier this time, still got a way to go yet though.
my tummy definately feels different, getting the low down twinges (up in me chuff :oops: ) that I got in my first pg. I'm sure I never felt all this before, maybe it's in my head, like the pg symptoms I had when ttc :lol:
I'm getting alot of twinges, pinches gurgles, and i can feel that 'stuff' is going on in there. It's like a little factory working away, but not really felt the baby for sure yet....... but soooooooon I hope!
i felt this one about teh same time as u r too..:) now im ffeelign proper kicks.. i also felt my 1st about 14 weeks. mw said its probably gas! no it wasnt lol..
lisa&alex, glad you felt it too even i struggled to beleive myself but i know it was bubs, it didnt feel like anything else. Just like last time.

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