y does it upset me so much


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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wen i was at skool i was in a gang of about 10 of us just hang out at lunch n stuff but i was close to 3 girls in that group two i grew away from wen we left skool and one i carried on seeing occasionally,
neway she is like ment to be my best m8 but at tho mo it feels like all she is trying to do is hurt me, she has alway fancied Garry my ex its never bothered me but in the last 3 weeks or so all she has spoken about is Garry
Its Garry this Garry that iv just been speaking to her on MSN and she is going round his flat i just sed becareful u know wot his put me thro and i got thrown back in my face if u wasnt such a tart and got PG ud still be with Garry and have a gr8 bloke bla bla bla she knows everything he has put me thro aand has been there wen his done most of it but then tonite i get this i tried asking her where it came from and she turned round n sed u shouldnt tlk to garry he dont wanna know u or B and stop texting him
and sending him letters etc
which is silly as i dont know his new no and he has moved she was the one who told me he was movin dont even know where he lives now
its really upset me that this girl believes him over our 8 odd yrs off friendship :cry: :cry: sorry for gong on again
Oh my god Sarah what a bitch your so called friend sounds. No wonder you're fuming :x

You are loads better off without them both. They both sound like they talk shit!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you ok
Ah hun thats just mean and horrid. what an immature little girl.

whats the betting she will come crying back to you when he messes her about?

she said some very hurtful, maybe unforgivable things to you and i wouldnt let her back in your life without some serious grovelling. you dont need a friend like that. i know friends from school seem important now but as you get older you get more piccy in who you want in your life and you make new friends who are more like the person you are now then the person you were at school. i only know one person i hung out witt at school now and he's my ex! some people find someone at school they will be amtes with for life but not many.

and if she thinks you'd rather have a 'great' bloke like him than have B then she has no clue who you are or how important B is to you.

better off wihtout her hun!

what a cow!! ignore her she is a child you are better off without people like that she is just as bad as garry and blatently jealous because he is your sons dad!!
dont get upset sarah, what goes around. what crap has he been feeding her and what a prat on her for believing him.

sarah do you ever go to mum and toddler groups to meet people inthe same position as you. sometimes you sound a bit secluded hun.
i went to mum anda baby group once but i just sat there on my own all the other mums were older and just looked at me as if i was dog crap

doesnt help that i only look like im 15
You are just as good a mom as they are and they are stupid and immature if they think they are something better! ignore it...sad little people...

you are a great mom thats all that matters honey

cas xxxx
:hug: :hug: :hug:

From what i've seen on this site you are a great woman.

All i can say is keep up the good work looking after your son and maybe try again at a different mum and tot group cos they may just have been nervous and think that they are really old and past it! (I'm 32 and feel old and past it).

Not sure if you watched Big Brother but one thing it did show was how teenagers can mix well with people of all ages.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
i went to mum anda baby group once but i just sat there on my own all the other mums were older and just looked at me as if i was dog crap

doesnt help that i only look like im 15

I got them looks when i went to mine. (i'm hoping that I only look 15 lol) but everyone else thought they were way better than me apart from 1 girl who looked as lost as me. Got talking to her then 6 months later I was her bridesmaid. She has never got in touch since :shock: dont know why :?

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