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xmichellex birth story! 17/3/2012


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2011
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Hey everyone I haven't been on since Zachary was born. We've been very busy and enjoying every minute of him! Well here's my birth story....
Woke up feeling ok me and hubby had a lovely morning together! He took the day off just because I didn't want him to go to work,(so glad he stayed at home!) around dinner time I said we need to go and get some food in for after I've been induced so we can eat! I had it in my head that it was going to be a big shop. I wanted to spend some money on stocking up the house so around 12 we went to asda got to isle 15 and started to get a funny feeling in my stomach. Felt like I was going to have the runs and start a period all at the same time, 20 mins went by and I got another one and I had to hold on to the trolley then got another one! So I rang my mum she said she thought it was the start of labour but I wasn't convinced! £110 later we was home all the cupboards stocked up with crap but felt better about it! Lay on the sofa for the rest of the day pains going and coming still the same and I thought it was a false alarm. Hubby made me watch a 3d film on our new tv and we went to bed at 11pm!
I woke at 2am with a contraction stayed in bed to wait for another one and it came so I nipped to the toilet and had a bloody show then I knew it was time! I told hubby who got very worried and excited. So what did I want to do next?? Get in the shower to wash my hair the contractions felt like they were regular so after I'd got out the shower blow dried my hair and straightend it..... I was ready for baby to come. I timed the contractions which were coming every 7 minutes lasting 2 mins. Rang labour ward at 5.30am told to take paracetomol and have a bath, so we rang my parents who came down straight away. Mum helped me in the bath about 7.30am and poured the warm water over my belly whilst I relaxed!! It was so lovely the contractions seemed to die down what I was in the bath... I really recommend having a bath in labour.
When I got out the contractions seemed to be more intense so I went to bed and tried to sleep for a while I managed 30 minutes and had to get out of bed because they seemed to be coming fast! We timed the contractions and they was coming every 3 mins lasting 1min so we rang labour ward who told us to come in.
9.30am we reached labour ward was told straight away that I needed to go and sit in the waiting room so they could find me a bed....then they changed their mind when they saw the contractions were so close together they found me a bed straight away!! the midwife examined me and I was 4cm dilated. Don't know what she did up there but after she'd done that the contractions came thick and fast I chose to stand up as I thought baby will come quicker as gravity would push baby down ha ha!! At 11.10 I started to feel sick and the midwife asked if I wanted gas and air and I said no really wanted to do this with nothing! Midwife left the room and I sat on the bed as I felt really sick now then it all went wrong......I filled 4 sick bowls and felt very weak.
I looked round at my mum and Darren and they looked very worried. The next thing I was slammed down on the bed I was given oxygen, then there was about 15 people working on me in the space of 10 mins I had oxygen put on me rolled over to my left side, nail varnish removed, a needle placed in my wrist, two ladies undressing me putting a gown on me a heart monitor on me a lady talking to me then rolled on to my back, legs opened and then a lady broke my waters then she put a heart monitor on baby's head......I looked round and mum and darren were both crying so I got worried then! Everyone seemed to disappear one by one then the midwife said everything's ok now Michelle good luck! I was like what the hell just happened! I think I was in shock so the midwife asked if I wanted to have gas and air and I said yes!!!!!!! Mum Said that when I'd been sick they looked at the monitor and baby's heart rate was at 160 then went down to 3! That's why everyone ran in! Bloody scary!
So by this point it was about 11.30am the contractions were coming more painful and faster! I had a burning sensation in the bottom of my spine the gas and air took the edge off. An hour later I had the urge to push told the midwife who said just breath it away so I did a few times but it kept coming and coming! I told mum I could feel the head coming out so the midwife checked and then told me to start pushing a few more midwifes came in again as his heart rate dropped again so they said we are going to have to cut you so baby can come out faster! I was pushing for 12mins all together and felt like I was having a hairy poo! It was the most amazing feeling ever pushing my baby out! I loved it even though It bloody hurt! Zachary Leo Ashford was born at 12.47pm on sat 17th march weight 8pound! He was taken away for a quick minute to test the blood in his umbilical cord so daddy didn't get to cut the cord but he wasn't bothered we was just glad he was ok and was out!
He's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to us! We still can't believe he's here! I'll post some pics too! It was my mum and dads wedding anniversary on the Friday Zach was born on the Saturday and just in time for mothers day on the Sunday! The best present a mummy could ever have!! I love you Zach xxxx


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More pics xxx



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Congratulations!! I adore the second picture of the three of you! You look utterly FAB, I can scares believe you'd not long given birth!
Ha ha he was only 5 hrs old aswell on that photo xxx

Congratulations! How amazing do you look after giving birth!? x
Aw congratulations he's beautiful xx
he beautiful hunni congrats and take care of each other x x x
aww hes lush, congrats hun x

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