WTC check list and important stuff to know?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2012
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As you may know form my previous post i am waiting to conceive till after my wedding next may.

However even tho I have looked after lots of babies im in no way shape or form clued up on the TTC or Pregnancy side of things.

Is there a check list of things i should be thinking about in the run up to TCC.
Or important stuff I should know or research before hand?

Thanks x
I'm going to start TTC in December. I came off the pill last month cos I wanted to get my cycle going naturally again, I started taking folic acid in June and I am supposed to be watching my weight, but that hasn't been going so well recently cos I've been on holiday!! Also, I've cut down almost totally on alcohol and am planning to go caffeine-free next month if possible! Am also going to try increasing my intake of green veg!
I'd take folic acid or something like pregnacare. Start tracking your cycles and how long they are. Then you might be able to work out when your fertile window is. There's a great phone app called period tracker. X

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This is really useful. I was thinking of starting something simular because we are wtt.

With s we were ntnp and luckily recieved the good new after a few months.

It's good to have our bodies as baby ready as possible!
Thanks girls im wtc till may next year coming of pill on wedding day lol I know i wont get a proper cycle straight away but just dont want to get pregnant before then as im going abroad to get married.

So its good to take folic acid...? and how long before you start trying?
You need to take folic acid for at least 6 weeks before you start TTC. I also took angus castus. Because my cycles have never been great and I wanted to boost it x
Generally, I've been reading up on pregnancy, TTC etc and starting to give myself a greater awareness of my body/cycles (which have hopefully gone down from a year long to 8 months long!!).

Look at your finances, your health, things you want to do before you have a baby etc, too.
I read that some American research has been done that showed that women taking folic acid for up to a year before trying to conceive were less likely to suffer miscarriages or have foetal abnormalities. So I reckon, start taking it whenever you want from now onwards!
Im going to start taking folic acid very soon , give up alcohol and revamp my fitness regime :) all in the countdown to wedding and baby :)
I'm very new here and having a hard time finding things and navigating the site...I'm 26, my life partner is 27...we already have a donor and are waiting till next year to try...I have so many questions!
I'm wtt, planning on ttc around jan, when I'll have hopefully reached my goal weight. (I know I'll gain it again but want a healthy bmi to start for baby!)
I started taking folic acid two days ago, so a few months in advance. I was thinking of coming off my pill mid-late November and use condoms/other non hormonal precautions so I can get my period at least once properly before ttc.

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