Would you go out clubbing?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
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Hey ladies,

Just wanted to ask a wee question. It's one of my really good friends birthday today and she's having a pre garden party at her house (which I'm going to) and then heading into the city for a night out.
Now that I have a pretty obvious bump I'm not sure how I feel about going out clubbing, just worried about getting knocked into etc...Would you?

Thanks in advance! xxx
I did last time. Just be prepared to be too hot, tired and pissed off that EVERYONE else is drunk lol xx

I did last time. Just be prepared to be too hot, tired and pissed off that EVERYONE else is drunk lol xx


:lol: thanks hun! Yeah I had a thought I may feel like that...we'll see how I feel after 4 hours in her garden with them getting tipsy!

I went out to a club when i first found out, only because it was a very good friends party. i was so protective of my tummy even though i had no bump then. i did get elbowed on the head and a few blokes getting too close! Apart from that i did have a good time. was funny watching other people get drunk! X
I have been out clubbing once whilst pregnant altough it wasnt as enjoyable as when your drunk it was nice to be social and i work in a nightclub and have to often walk back and forth through the club and have always been fine, just try and get friends to surround you if you feel nervous about knocking your bump, just make sure it isnt too jam packed where people wont notice your bump if it is maybe just go into the middle of your friends so your fully protected xx
I'd defo enjoy the garden party... But would prob leave it at that! Couldn't be bothered with all the drunk people!x
The garden party sounds right up my street but I have never been a clubby person! There is no way I'd ever set foot in a club sober :shock: :shock:

As some of the ladies have said the garden party sounds fab but clubs are not my cup of tea. Plus I would be worried about getting knocked into. If you feel comfortable that a few of the girls will be there if you need them then I am sure you can have a fab time with them xx

i wouldnt go - i went out last time i was pregnant with my little one - i was so tired lol, and bored because i couldnt drink, and i felt silly dancing with my bump. xx
Hey ladies,

Just wanted to ask a wee question. It's one of my really good friends birthday today and she's having a pre garden party at her house (which I'm going to) and then heading into the city for a night out.
Now that I have a pretty obvious bump I'm not sure how I feel about going out clubbing, just worried about getting knocked into etc...Would you?

Thanks in advance! xxx

Take a club with you to club anyone who bangs into you :) xxx
I went to a friends rock gig whilst in my 2nd Tri :)

It does piss you off when people are acting all drunk around you but it's up to you if you want to go clubbing or not :)

Thanks for all your replies ladies! I ended up coming home when they were all getting taxis into town, so glad I did. Back in my pjs eating my buffet goody bag :lol: xx
My SIL used to come out with us when she was pregnant last year and 9 times out of 10 she ended up in tears as she felt frumpy, or was tired and in pain. I felt sorry for her :( I havent been out and probably wont end up doing, but thats just how me and OH are! x
I have a hen do to go to and as I am organising it I'm sure to be going :) its upto each individual at the end of the day and how you feel x
I avoid these kind of nights out now. I can't wear heels as my back kills in them and I feel a bit frumpy in flats!! If I could manage the wardrobe situation better then maybe I would enjoy a wee dance. however.....drunk people bug my happiness. I never realised just how much until I was forced to stay sober. haha! Glad you enjoyed the garden party though! xx
Your friends will prob be like a pack of dogs round you if ANYONE comes near your bump! lol

I wud play it by ear. You may enjoy the party but be ready for home and you may just have a laugh with your friends and want to go on out. I dont see any harm in it so long as your careful of ur belly :) xxx
Personally I don't think I would, I don't drink normally so that wouldn't bother me but I'd be so worried about people knocking into me! It happens often enough in those sort of places without having a little one to protect.
I went to a pretty hectic gig right after my 12 week scan and spent the whole night getting freaked out when drunk idiots came too close!
It's a personal decision though, and I guess its also a little dependant on how crowded the club will be!
Aww bless you! Guess there aint nuthin rong with a boogie :) id just be worried about bumpin bump! Tbh id of felt betta off in pjs and a goodie bag to :p!
In my last pregnancy i went out to town for my best friends birthday but not clubbing. She was great and planned a fairly subdued night so I could join in. We went to the theatre then when to a couple of bars for a drink (soft drinks for me obviously). I left when I'd had enough and was getting tired and a few of them moved onto the clubs. Enjoyed the night overall :)
My next dilemma is when I'll be 34 weeks pregnant :)shock:) and my best friend had bought Lady Gaga concert tickets for me and three other friends. I am desperate to go and think it'll be ok as we have seating..will definitely be interesting considering how big I could be! Plus he wants us to dress up full on 'Gaga Style' so who knows what I'll wear! :lol:

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