Would the MW do a sweep?


Jul 15, 2011
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I am nearly 37 weeks and for the past week i have been in constant agonising pain. I literally haven't slept for a week, i can't walk for than 5 minutes, have had to stop driving as sitting down just causes me so much pain and i have had to put DS in childcare 3 days a week because i am unable to look after him properly (how bad is that?) anyway i have my MW appointment later at 12pm and i was thinking would she do a sweep if i told her about how much i am suffering and how much this is affecting me both physically and emotionally? Or am i being selfish? thanks xx
i had my 37 weeks appointment last firday, and my midwife didn't say anything about doing one, but at the appointment before she had said that she will ALWAYS wait till 40 weeks with a first timer before doing a sweep . . . so unless you have a really lovely midwife (i don't she hasn't even gone over my birth plan with me!) i'd say it's unlikely! x
i had my 37 weeks appointment last firday, and my midwife didn't say anything about doing one, but at the appointment before she had said that she will ALWAYS wait till 40 weeks with a first timer before doing a sweep . . . so unless you have a really lovely midwife (i don't she hasn't even gone over my birth plan with me!) i'd say it's unlikely! x

This is my 2nd pregnancy and have been in and out of the hospital since 28 weeks with these pains but they have been on and off and it has literally only been the past week where i have been constant and 2 nights last week i was having contractions coming every 3-5 minutes lasting around 7 hours a time. My MW is lovely (had her with DS) and i am hoping that if i explain everything she might do it :)
Well good luck hun, and I hope she does it for you if it's that uncomfortable. I know they won't do it here though. My MW was saying they wait until 40 weeks with a first time mum, and until 41 weeks if you've had one already, but if you are in agony, then it's worth explaining to her I guess and seeing what she says?
Hope your okay though.x
well hopefully she'll do it! or be able to suggest something that might help with the discomfort! let us know how you get on x
I don't think you're being selfish..you've carried your baby to term and he or she won't suffer if you have him now. I would phone your m/w and ask her outright, it's worth a try. Good luck :)

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