Would it be okay if...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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I stopped offering Ella a bottle first thing?

She is currently on a pureed lunch and dinner and is on her normal 4-5 X 7oz bottles a day but she never finishes them. First thing after a 12 hour sleep she won't take much milk, perhaps 4oz but she really isn't interested, then will go back to sleep for a few more hours, then have her next bottle a few hours after she wakes properly.

Would it be wrong to offer her a breakfast instead of a morning bottle? Or should we be offering both? We seem to be going through milk so quickly, and it seems like such a waste as she doesn't drink most of it. We always offer her the maximum just in case but the morning bottle seems like the easiest to drop because she's not bothered about it at all.

I think it's always good to give them their morning and evening milk feeds whatever. The other ones can be dropped in place of meals if needs be.

We give Asher milk when he wakes and then he has breakfast an hour later.

I gradually dropped all the other milk feeds but kept the morning and bedtime bottle :wink:
We plan to keep the morning and bedtime bottle.

This is what we have been doing for the past 2 months.

7.30 - 4oz bottle
9.00 - Breakfast
12:00 - Lunch and 4oz bottle
4.00 - Dinner and 4 oz bottle
7.00 - Fruit and 2oz water/juice
9.00 - 8oz bottle

We have kept the amount of milk the same, but increased the amount of food.

Hope this helps. xxx
Cant recall if you can or not, but could you make breakfast with alittle milk too.

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