wot are ur plans...


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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for today?
i have a day off today woohoo and Bray is at nursery so i have my first day by myself in ages
so i have got planned a driving lesson then house work :rotfl: :rotfl:
and chris is coming home today :cheer: so were going out tonite
I am going to be cleaning then my Aunt is pickingme and Arianna up after her work to take us to my sisters for dinner as it's my birthday tomorrow!!

I'm not sure if we are going out for a meal or is my sister is cooking.... ether way I get yummy food and wine!! :D:D
Im working then going home to sleep. My sister is going to florida today for 2 weeks. Im so jelouse, just want to go with her :(
Just chilling out, picking Josh up from school later, taking the kids to my mum & dads tonight cos me and Daniel are going to see knocked up (finally!) then tomorrow I think our friends are having the kids and we're going to see Superbad :cheer:
i THINK we are going shopping at morrisons,
not really in the mood though cos my neighbour woke me up at half 7 with her GAY music playing,
then coming home and cleaning my room :)
and then chilling out.
I'm taking Jonah to soccer-tots this afternoon. He's so excited bless him!
As little as possible :D
I have heaps of washing to do....at least 5 loads as I've been putting it off all week....so gonna try to get that done. Then I'm gonna watch last nights supernanny & Hells Kitchen and put my feet up :D
Work, Work and Work. Then out for a meal with OH's family for his mum's birthday. Shoudl be fun.... If I can find something I don't look fat in! x
Loads of cleaning then when the kids are fed I'm going shopping to buy some new shoes cos mine have a hole in :oops: Then picking Jess up from school at 3. Exciting!
errands- ( I bought a mini dishwasher out of the paper, and need to buy a plumbing bit for it, and excitement like that.)

SarahH- it's my sis' birthday tomorrow too, so we're having a meal out tomorrow nite. Suppose I should get her a present. :) But she's a mardy mare who turns her nose up at people's presents, so not worth spending money on. Maybe I'll spend about 50p :lol:

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