Worst headache I've ever experienced:(


Aug 18, 2011
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Has anyone else had headaches? I'm really suffering, I'd call it more like head pain as it's constant and all over my scalp and forehead. Rang the midwife and she said it's fine, hormones etc just to take paracetamol:(
But today the pain has made me sick and being sick is excruciating for my head ache. I've even cancelled all my clients today, which I never do as hate letting people down, I'm a mobile hairdresser.
Is this normal? Will it continue? Xxx
Hi Louise,

So sorry to hear that you are suffering, I hoe it subsides soon. I've had bad headaches although not as bad as yours. I put some forehead on and that usually does the trick - are you drinking enough fluids? Mine are worse if I dont drink gallons.

If it continues or gets worse, I'd phone your doctor again.

Hope it eases really soon.
I had these really bad in tri 1. With hindsight I wish I had taken paracetamols more to prevent them turning into full blown migraines. I had one on holiday and I thought I was dying. This was probably from being dehydrated though so I would second the recommendation to drink as much as possible.

A forehead stick will help too, and a cold flannel.
Aaaw hun i really feel for you. Headaches im sorry to say are normal. I had them quiet bad in tri one .. i think it was making up for lack of morning sickness! Im with Torino though take more parecetomol .. i know it doesnt do much but it can really ease it, also lie down in dark rooms. Theres this thing called a 4head stick which you also buy in the chemist. If it help they will subside i dont get them nearly half as much now :) xx
I'm off work with one today so can really sympathise. Ive had a few nasty ones but I think the fact I haven't kept anything down for two days is making this one worse. I've been awake with it since 4am, but seems to (thankfully!) be easing up a bit now. I was crying and snotting down the phone to hubby this morning - not my finest hour :)
Hope you feel better soon.x
Aw hun :( hope you're feeling better soon :hugs: I've had migraines so can sympathise, hopefully will stop after tri 1 x x
4head and fluids i swore by it x

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