Worst day so far :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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This is the worst I've felt all through my pregnancy so far.
Tired, sick, emotional, headache...
Any other employer would send you home for feeling like this normally, but because I'm pregnant they think its fine for me to stay!
Aw nasty people! Sending u get well hugs! If ur really feeling to bad go home hun, they cant make u stay!x
Thanks hun.
Going to have some lunch in a mo and see how I feel.
Feeling sorry for myself!
Aw I bet u are! Try sucking on mints if u can get ur hands on some, peppermint helps xx
I know how u feel, I'm so emotional today too lol I think a nap is deserved when I'm home! Hope u feel better soon xx
Oh huni i know its awful iv been so so sick from day 1 I count the seconds in work, If you feel that bad do go home and by law they have to pay you for bein out sick if its due to pregnancy,

Im trying to hang in there in case im realy exhausted later on and don want to have too many sick days as I am on a contract

I find salt and vinegar crisps help for about 20 mins none of the other remedies have worked for me so far

Hope you feeling better soon XX
The ice cream van came round at work and an ice lolly worked a treat!
Dont feel too bad now!
my work wouldnt send me home if was spending the day with my head down the loo. mostly i do shifts alone lol and they dont really manage to cover illness well or easily.
Peppermint deffo work, for me anyway :) Although Now ill have an excuse to eat lots of ice lollies :D

Sounds like im very lucky to have an understanding boss!

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