

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I haven't felt baby move much for past few days,I know I shouldn't b surprised cos I'm only 17 weeks so movements r few and far between anyway. But can't help it,I'm just havin a really crap time at the moment and I'm sure the stress can't b good 4 bubs xx
I was lucky as this is my first baby, but felt baby move at a really early stage. I did find though at that time 16 - 18 weeks, that i would feel baby some times and then not at all for a day or two.

If worried ring MW, never does any harm and puts your mind at rest.
Hey! I'm sure baby is ok and if anything bad was to happen you'd get other symptoms and stuff. I feel baby now and then, I just remind myself when I can't feel babythat it's ok as it's early stages yet. I'm sure later
today you will feel movement and be like phew!! Or you just haven't notice the movement because you have been pre ocupied with other things on your mind. Xxx
I'd only just started getting flutters at your stage and I certainly didn't have them everyday. Ring your m/w if you're really worried.
Hi Emma, try not to worry too much, if it helps I have felt not a dicky bird yet and I am 20 weeks today.

did you dicuss with the midwife over that clexane stuff your taking? :lol: perhaps that is making you worry more.
Hi Emma, try not to worry too much, if it helps I have felt not a dicky bird yet and I am 20 weeks today.

did you dicuss with the midwife over that clexane stuff your taking? :lol: perhaps that is making you worry more.

Yeah,they said that they can't advise to stop takin it...I've gotta discuss it wiv my consultant next week...dreadin it cos I've heard mixed reviews about him xx

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