worrying & scan date


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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hello everyone!

this morning i got my scan date. Im on holiday when Im 12 weeks, so I really wanted an early one, but I have to wait till the week after instead :( its on the 6th september.

Im feeling so worried though it's going to be bad news! I had a miscarriage before, but that was at 5 weeks. I found the heartbeat with a doppler a few times now, but Im scared to keep checking because sometimes I can't and I don't what to stress myself out more. I still have sickness and tiredness but my boobs aren't sore anymore. Also, I make jewellery and I've used resin a couple of times since Ive been pregnant, and suddenly panicked this morning because I don't know whether the fumes could harm the baby? I've been doing it outside, but Im scared now! I've looked it up and can't find anything on whether it's safe or not.

I know Im probably being irrational, but I can't help worrying all the time at the moment! :( Ive had twinges in my belly, but no really bad pains or anything. I was bad and was looking on google too- I know I shouldn't- and found all these stories about going to the scan and it being bad news. :(

Sorry, I just needed to rant! anyone else's boob soreness stopped?

x x x
Oh hun, try not to worry yourself too much, you just can't read into symptoms or lack of and work out what that will mean for baby. I've had a bad scan, but it was just that, nothing would have told me that before hand, and it was just unlucky, baby had an issue. Don't worry you boobs will have been settling into pregnancy now thats all - they have many weeks ahead of them for changing more.

When I had trouble waiting for a scan, I just tryed to build in other things to look forward to each week between now and the scan. Night out with mates, shopping trip etc and the time flew then as it wasn't the only thing on my mind!

Enjoy the last bit of trimester 1 it's so exciting- I wished mine away worring myself silly...
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Thank you so much, that's really helped! I've been really good up until this week, when suddenly Im worried constantly. But your right, I need to try and relax and enjoy it :) Thank you!!! :hugs:

x x x
Hi Hun I'm sure we are due on the same day (I can't see I'm on phone) and my bb have stopped hurting and I only gag occasionally. I went for scan yday and everything is fine so don't worry about symptoms I'm considering myself fortunate xxx
hey my scan is also 6th sept i too will be worrying after a previous loss and finding out bad news at scan last time around. you just have to realise this time will be different we must be positive else will worry ourselves sick! dont worry about symptoms they come and go and will be all sorts of random strange things remember every woman and every pregnancy is different big hugs i know what a worry it is but you just have to remember that while it COULD be bad at the scan its MORE LIKELY to be GOOD news and so thats what keeps me from freaking out a lot of the time! :) i havent even tried to scare myself using a doppler as i know il freak out if i cant find heartbeat so hubby has banned me from getting one!!! lol X

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