Worrying myself silly!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2016
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Hi ladies,

I'm 16dpo now, and on 14dpo I took a hpt and got a fairly instant quite dark bfp! Was really happy, then a further 2 dark bfp's yesterday that I took at random times of the day and one was even with the tiniest bit of pee and they both came up instantly and dark!

This morning though, I took another hpt with fmu and it came up instant and slightly darker than yesterday's but is also accompanied by some beige/very pale brown spotting... Does this mean I'm losing the baby?

I've had some fairly strong period like cramps on and off since about 12/13dpo, that come once or twice a day for a few seconds. I also had some hot waves across my tummy around 14 and 15dpo, but they weren't painful, just a strange sensation!

I'm sorry I didn't know where else to post!

Thanks in advance!
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Hi hun it sounds like you have really good lines on your tests which is great! Plenty of ladies on here have had spotting and bleeding early on with a healthy pregnancy, myself included I had quite a lot of bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant with my son who's now 4. Brown is old blood so that's good, could be from implantation? Xx
Hi Ams25, thank you for your reassurance! It's a really pale sort of colour so I'm just hoping it doesn't get darker or go red. Is the cramping normal too? Last time I had cramps was for a few seconds last night and had nothing since apart from feeling pretty heavy in my stomach but I assumed that was normal!
Just a quick update, have seen a doctor and he isn't concerned and says to come back if the pain gets worse or the bleeding is fresh blood. Thank you so much Ams25, I really do appreciate the support and having my mind put at ease!
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Fingers crossed it's just old blood and nothing to worry about

Good to hear the doctor has put your mind at ease x

Blood is never what you want to see but often turns out to be nothing serious. I had spotting in all my pregnancies but this one and have had two losses and two full term pregnancies before this. I had period type cramps in the begining of all of my pregnancies. It seems to be a pretty normal symptom of early pregnancy. It is only a worry if it is quite painful or you have propper red bleeding too.
Thank you BunnyN! Just glad everything is ok!

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