Worrying, is this normal?


Feb 14, 2009
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Hi All

I am approx 7 weeks pregant for the 3rd time within a year. Sadly I have had 2 miscarriages and I am worrying constantly.

I keep getting this buzzing feeling in my womb, and because I got this before I am worrying that this is a warning or something not quite right.

With my first miscarriage I bled a little and then was told on a scan that there was no heartbeat - I should have been 10weeks but the baby had stopped growing at 6 - 7 weeks.

My second miscarriage I did not bleed, and at early scan they were worried about the development compared to my dates so I had to wait another 2 weeks for another scan. At this scan I was then told that it had grown, but the heart had stopped beating!

I am so scared that this is all going to happen again. I have a scan on monday!!

Has this happened to anyone else, and ddoes anyone else get the strange buzzing feeling??
hey hun,
i've had a few miscarriages over the last few years.
and they've been the same as yours where a scan has revealed that the baby's not grown/stopped growing and the whole time since i got my positive test i've been terrified and every twinge has scared the life out of me.
I get the buzzing feeling, its something i've not felt before, i think generally they say its your uterus growing and stuff. If you can try and take it as a positive sign. lots of love & positive vibes your way. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you Thank you so much. I was starting to think I was getting nerotic and was going mad.

I know that lots of women go through the loss and it is terrible, but like you say, positive thinking is probably the best advice!! :hug: :hug:
we're all neurotic around here, you'll fit right in :lol:
glad you've found us so that you can sound out your worries with us. :wave: :hug:
yep, worrying is normal! i worried away 1st tri of my first pregnancy, thankfully all was well :) the second one i lost and so this one i am worried even more because i lost the last one

re. the buzzes, idk if thats how i'd describe mine but i do feel twinges and throbs and aches down there- and i felt these with my first pregnancy but NOT with the second, with the m/c i felt nothing. so i conclude that feeling *something* means a good thing! i still worry tho :lol:

good luck with the scan really hope all is well :hug: xx
I've been constantly getting buzzy type feelings and strange aches and pains in my pelvic area and have been told they're perfectly normal and not to worry.

I know how you feel, after my m/c i'm terrified of every little extra twinge I feel and I swear my heart stops every time I go to the loo and check!!

Thank you all.

I have to agree that each trip to the loo is filled with dread!!! However, I am going to take your advise on "feeling something is a good sign".

It has been so long since I carried a baby past 12 weeks (my youngest is 6!) that I have forgotten how it feels. Not only that but I am a lot older than I was (33! - apparently classed as old??!??).

Fingers crossed for tomorrow!!
beckiyork said:
Thank you all.

I have to agree that each trip to the loo is filled with dread!!! However, I am going to take your advise on "feeling something is a good sign".

It has been so long since I carried a baby past 12 weeks (my youngest is 6!) that I have forgotten how it feels. Not only that but I am a lot older than I was (33! - apparently classed as old??!??).

Fingers crossed for tomorrow!!

I'm 33 too....didn't realise that was classed as old!! :shock:

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