Worry Day :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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I'll apologise in advance for a bit of a pointless/depressing post. Just feeling a little anxious today. No particular reason, just woke up feeling like this. I'm 19 weeks now and still haven't felt any definite movement (bubbly sensations but could have been wind lol) and i still don't have much of a bump. I've been complaining all the way through about not looking or feeling pregnant, but i really thought that by now i'd feel different. I have my 20 week scan next Weds and i'm just praying everything is OK. Really getting myself worked up over that even though i'm very excited too.

I was also due to have my first smear test recently having just turned 25. But obviously because i'm pregnant i'm not allowed. I've heard quite a few stories from friends who have just started having theirs and have had some quite scary, abnormal results. Think that's playing on my mind too. Sorry to be so morbid, just having a bad day i think :( xxx
I wouldn't worry too much I felt exactly the same I only started feeling definite movements at 20 weeks I have an anterior placenta so that's the reason so you may be the same. As for not feeling pregnant except for the morning sickness I had I feel no different at all even now. Once you have your scan you will feel better I know I did.
As for the smear mine was due to be done in august it's just the way it's worked out I would try not to worry about that either I'm sure you will be fine. Has your midwife told you when you will be ok to have it done after your baby is born ? Mine said wait 6 months.
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She didn't really give me much info - just said that it wouldn't be done while i was pregnant. I will have to ask next time i go. It just worries me in case anything is wrong and they're delaying looking at it. But obviously it can't be helped, just bad timing.

Thanks hun, i'm sure i will feel better after the scan. I'm just not very good at this whole waiting/being out of control thing lol xxx
Don't worry I feel the same....I have my 25 week midwife appointment tomorrow and now I'm fretting in case she can't find his heartbeat silly really considering he's been kicking hell out of my ribs this morning........pregnancy is a whole world of worry !

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