

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
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Hi there, yesterday I bled a little (only a tiny bit) but now I am worried as I am only 6+4 and am concerned that it may be something to worry about. I haven't bled since - do you think this is anything to worry about? Should I go to the docs?
its probably nothing to worry about hun although i was on the phone to my local early pregnancy unit 4 days after BFP because of slight cramping, i'd give them a phone if you are worried
I agree with Sugar its probably nothing to worry about, as you said it has stopped.

But I would mention it to your midwife or doctor :hug:
Hi, i have also had a little bleeding over the last week i rung the EPU and they said that unless it is period like or have cramps should be fine. they said if i carry on bleeding to call them back. I would give the EPU a call just to put your mind at ease.
thanks everyone - got a docs app at 3.20 just to be on the safe side. Fingers crossed....

hope all is well hun. plenty of women bleed and go on to have healthy babies- i asked about it in "ask a mum" a couple weeks ago when i was bleeding- unfortunately for me it was bad news but if its 1 in 5 then statistically as i was one of the "1"'s there's a high chance that four of you will be fine, and i just said the same to morganuk! try not to stress, altho i kno its easier said than done :hug:
i got my fingers crossed for u :pray:
Thanks for the re-assuring replies everyone.

Well I went to the docs and she is sending me for a scan tomorrow, Transvaginal (not looking forward to that). So I guess I will know what's what tomorrow. It's at 8.30 so I doubt I will sleep much tonight.

Has anyone had a TVS - what should I expect?

Thanks again, everyone you are all so kind. xx
i had a transvaginal scan hun they are not as bad as they seem put it this way having sex feels more uncomfortable than the scan lol they put loads of KY jelly on the end and you barely notice its in there apart from when you see bubs on screen!
in my case spotting did end in m/c, however as it was light and i had no pain i posted in "ask a mum" and LOADS of replies about women who had loads of really heavy bleeding but turned out fine, so it doesnt always mean anything sinister :hug: at 6 weeks they should be able to see something on the scan, so for peace of mind i'd suggest going to EPU for an early scan. my doc referred me straight away, i went literally straight to hosp from the GPs! even tho i didnt get the news i hoped for its much better to investigate than to hang on indefinately worrying and stressing and not being able to enjoy your pregnancy. explain your concerns and ask to get checked- i am sure you will be fine sweety :hug:

oops sorry just read u already getting a scan- good luck i'm glad u can put your mind at rest and get on with enjoying tri 1! :hug:
Two said:
Thanks for the re-assuring replies everyone.

Well I went to the docs and she is sending me for a scan tomorrow, Transvaginal (not looking forward to that). So I guess I will know what's what tomorrow. It's at 8.30 so I doubt I will sleep much tonight.

Has anyone had a TVS - what should I expect?

Thanks again, everyone you are all so kind. xx

Hi honey

I had 2 Transvaginal Ultrasounds when they were testing to check for PCOS. They are not painful - just a little uncomfortable at most (as anything being placed inside you that you don't want can be!).

Really hope all is well for you xxx
Hiya, for those of you that are interested, I went for my TV Scan this morning and all is looking good. Saw the baby's heartbeat (and I cried!). Everything seems to be going ok although they have put be back 1 week on my dates which i'm not sure on but I don't suppose it matters much.

Didn't get a scan photo, forgot to ask for one D'oh! But at least things are on the right track - long way to go yet though.

Thanks for all our support,
:dance: glad all is well sorry i missed this xx

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