Worried I'm already making mistakes :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
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I discovered I was pregnant when I was around 6 weeks, and went to the doctor who confirmed it. Because I felt so unable to continue with the pregnancy, I booked a termination, which would have taken place tomorrow morning.
Because of this, I feel like I haven't given my bump the best start, I haven't taken folic acid, I haven't eaten well at all, I can't remember the last time I ate a proper vegetable! I also went out drinking at least 4 times before I found out, although I haven't touched alcohol since I found out.
I've also been a competitive cheerleader and gymnast for the past 4-5 years, and had been training as normal, which is quite physical. The doctor has assured me that because my body is used to me training, it won't do me or bump any harm, but I'm still worried.
I've started eating properly, I just feel like I've let my baby down already :(
I didnt find out i was pregnant till 7 weeks, weeks previous i had been to 2 weddings, drunk a fair bit on nights out etc. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but its what you do from now on that counts hun. You werent to know. xx
I was still doing karate before I found out hun so I wouldn't worry about the training.....just kiss your nice toned stomach goodbye lol. As for your diet and folic acid well women all over the world have a much worse diet than you have had and delivered healthy babies.

You can't spend your whole pregnancy beating yourself up mentally over it. It's now and the rest of the pregnancy that counts xxxxxxx
My nice toned stomach has already gone :( I think because I was so tiny to start with, I'm already starting to show! Do you think its worthwhile starting to take folic acid now? Or am I past that stage now? Do you think I'm safe to continue training, as long as I tone it down slightly?
Yep definitely start the folic acid asap, you can take it for the whole pregnancy if you want and maybe some proper pregnancy vitamins would give you a boost too. I assume you have a coach/trainer, they will be able to give you advice on your training but to be perfectly honest the tiredness in pregnancy is an absolute bitch and you may not feel up to doing very much anyway and slightly may not be enough hunny, depending on what you do you may have to tone it down alot. There's plenty of pregnancy friendly exercises you can do though so don't get disheartened xxxxxxxx
I'll start the folic acid today :) I have a gymnastics coach, but the cheer squad I'm on, we pretty much coach ourselves. I was constantly exhausted, but am doing ok at the moment, just getting a little out of breath due to a bad cough :(
I think I'm fooling myself thinking I can continue with cheer, its very physical and intense. If anyone has seen the bring it on films, thats pretty much what we do! I get thrown into the air etc, so its quite strenueous exercise two to three times a week.
I do yoga etc too, but am assuming thats pretty safe to continue with?
Baby yoga is supposed to be very good but again you need a proper teacher. The thing with exercise is whilst your baby is safely tucked away in it's little bubble you aren't and any injury you receive can affect your later pregnancy a lot, I broke the bottom of my back last year and am expecting problems later on. Have a word with your yoga teacher, stop the cheer and talk to your coach

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