Worried And Anxtious


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2012
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is it normal to feel worried and scared

after havin a scan last Tuesday and only seeing the sac think I was 4 weeks im not sure .. but my bloods have been rising nicely they said

im due my scan on 15th n im feeling worried and anxious incase I have it and theres nothing in there :sad:

I don't wanna get my hopes up for them to be knocked down :sad:

has anyone else had this
Although I haven't had any scans yet I am terrified that there's nothing in there when I go. I haven't been able to get in contact with the midwife - been trying for a week tomorrow! I'm 9+1 today. And can't get through to the epu at hospital either. So, i had a feeling things have gone wrong from 6weeks so I took a clearblue digital today and it still says pregnant 3 weeks +.
Still won't be happy til I see the bean on the scan though so i can totally understand why you're nervous.
My oh keeps telling me to relax, but that's hormones I guess!!
Hope 15th comes round quickly for you xx
So My scan is next Tuesday...

im so worried they wont see anything on the screen... they saw the sac last time but im just worried nothings gunna show

my hormone levels were 2000 last Tuesday n went way over that on Thursday dr said they was going up nicely

but I cant help but worry am I bein stupid,

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