worried again!

Jun 7, 2011
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Hi everyone. Really confused at the mo and was wondering if any1 had the same experience? Im 5 week and last night I had a small bit of brown discharge.now my discharge is clear and I havnt had any bleeding at all. But woke up this morning and my boob have stopped hurting. Has any1 else had this?? Help please Im going mentle thinking Ive lost it again! X
Sounds normal to be, I had some brown discharge at 5 weeks and again at 8, and as for symptoms I've hardly had any anyway but they do come and go! Try not to worry hun, and remember that brown blood is old blood! Xx
Ok thankyou. Ive heard lots of storys tho were people have miscarried but had no bleeding.x
Tbh hun you'll hear lots of stories, tri 1 is such a worrying time for us all, the best advice I can give is try not to read too much as there are some scary story's around and be arrogant! Believe it won't happen to you! The fact is, this early on it just isn't in our hands so really we can't worry about it...although trust me everyone does! I'm panicking at the mo because I've got my scan next week and the last few days I've just felt so different, I'm convinced I'm gonna get there and be told it's all over! Trust me once you get over one worry another one springs to mind, but try and stay positive and when you can't be positive we're all here for you! Xx

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