Worried about my twin pregnancy!!!


Jan 6, 2010
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I'm 25 weeks pregnant with non-identical twins (due April 2010) and I'm a bit concerned about one of the twins. Both twins were very active but now I can only feel the baby on my right moving 2-3 times every 24 hours or so. The left baby is very active and I feel at least 20 or so movements from him. I did have a very sharp pain on my right side a couple of weeks again and it's since then that the movements (of the right baby) have decreased.

Should I be worried about the right baby? I did mention it to my midwife but she said that although they could monitor the baby's heartbeats in the hospital, it is very hard to get a good result with twins. I'm seeing my midwife again tomorrow so I will mention it again but I'm really starting to worry about the not-so-active baby. I have had a routine 24 week ultrasound and the right baby does have a heartbeat and the sonographer didn't notice any problems, but the sonography can't always get a good look at him because of his position.

Is this normal with twins? Should I be worried? Has anyone else had a similar experience?
I have no advice hun but i didn't want to read and run. I hope both your babies are ok :hug: xx
i dont know what you should be thinking about this.. but if you are worried about this then you should go to see your midwife and explain what you felt.
hope evrythiung goes ok for you and your twins
i cant really advise with the twins situation but i knwo if they told me if i had any lesser movements to go to the baby department at a&e and they would give me scan just to re check, and that was only with one so with twins im sure they would be happy to get everything checked out for you and put your mind at rest after all your whats importnant and the babies if your not too worried then i would just wait and see x
Firstly Congratulations on your twins and Welcome to Pregnancy Forum :)

Decreased movements should be reported either to your hospital and midwife, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about but it will do no harm in getting it checked out.

Are both babies growing ok?
Hi, didn't want to read and run, I agree with the others, if you're worried just make sure you mention it to the midwife at your appt tomorrow. Congrats on having twins!
Thanks for all your help guys

I saw my Midwife on Thursday and she listened to both babies' heartbeats and they were fine, although the right one was slower than the left. She's suggested that if I don't feel 10 movements every 12 hours in the next couple of days then to phone my assessment centre and they will monitor their heartbeats. She did assure me that it's probably nothing and even if something is wrong then both babies have a good survival rate even this early on. I've booked a 4D scan for next week (I know they are expensive but I couldn't resist having a DVD of my twins! Afterall, I don't know if we want anymore after these two) and I'm hoping they would be able to tell if there is anything wrong with the right baby.

Thank you for all your support, I'm new to this forum stuff but you've all been very helpful!

That good news hun, keep us up to date on how your scan goes :)
Ohhhhh enjoy your scan hun, i always wanted a 4D one xx

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