Worried about my blood results!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Hi ladies,
Few days ago I went for a scan and a blood test and a pap smear.. everything was clear and I was happy that pap smear was clear :cheer:
but what I am a bit worried about is the thyroid result! I am not sure what the medical term is but it showed that my thyroid gland is not functioning properly (not overactive)! tbh I have no idea what the consequences are I will google it now..the Dr asked me to come in for another blood test but as I wasn't very happy with this center and Dr I did another blood test in a better place this time...
btw I don't know if it's hereditary but my mom has a problem with he thyroid gland as well and is on medication since I was born! It never showed that I had it before just this last blood test! My mom had it as a result of an emotional shock and this time I had an emotional shock right before giving birth up to my 2 month post natal, it was caused by my mom :( wish she knows what she's done to me.
i have an underactive thyroid, it just means u will have consultant appointments thruout ur pregnancy and then when the baby is born they will give the baby a blood test to see if it has a thyroid problem aswell. (my baby didnt have it) and the majority of babies dont get it
its nuthin to worry about it can be easily controlled, i have had it since i was 11 x
thanx baby blonde I will have a read..yes it is underactive thyroid!
jodie thanx for the information...sorry u've got it and thanx alot coz u made me feel better that it isn't anything serious, but a bit worried about the part that the baby might have it even though u said it's unlikely! any way I will wait for my second results and then take it to my Dr and see what needs to be done!

Jodie just wanted to ask u...I have these symptoms and now I am associating it to this problem..I feel tired and lazy and sleepy all the time?! I know it could be due to pregnancy but its a bit more this time?
I am in tears plzz help me..I can't stop crying...after reading about pregnancy and underactive thyroid which untreated (my case) as I just found out...it says there is an increased risk of fetal abnormalities, miscarriage, low IQ...etc I am soo worried now and can't stop crying ...wish I found out earlier and got treated...it says that the fetus relies on my thyroid gland functions and mine is not functioning properly :(
Hi ladies,,thanx for all ur advice and support and I am very very sorry to tell u that this post was a waste coz since yesterday I was in tears so today my DH took me for blood tests at a proper place and it seems my main thyroid hormone (TSH) is normal and that the other 2 free T4 and Free T3 are a bit high and low which is normal during pregnancy :)
I am soo soo soo happy and relieved.. it was awful yesterday and I am really sorry to give u all headache on nothing :oops:
:cheer: YAY!!!!

Glad you are ok! Was thinking about you today and thinking I shouldnt have posted that link as it might make you feel worse rather than better :oops:
oh babyblonde,,,don't think that way...I would have found it any way and I was the one who asked about info so plz no need to blame ur self :hug: Im just soo happy today ! :cheer:
I'm glad its come back ok. Shame they got you all worried like that. :hug:
at least I know now how bad they were and put them on my black list :rotfl: i've learned my lesson!

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