Worried about labour


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2017
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Is anyone else worries about labour? With my first 5 years I had a water birth with gas and air and I sounded like a banshee because it hurt that much.
I've been thinking I want a water birth again but you can only have had and air. The other pain relief they've said you can't get in the pool with.
I've considered the epidural option but what puts me off is them having to use forceps to get the baby out, because I don't want that, the idea terrified me.
Also I want to be in the birthing centre and not the birthing suite so then I've got my own room afterwards and not put on a ward so my options are limited for pain relief if I'm in the birthing centre.
I think I'm just over thinking it all, I'm just scared.
With my first I started in the water but then the pain got too much (she was in the wrong position) and I got out and had a pethidine injection which helped. This was done in a midwife led unit so could you not do that? More pain relief without the epidural? I went on to have an epidural and ventouse delivery in a bigger hospital but if she'd been in the right position I think I'd have managed with the pethidine
Are you on your second baby? Because I can tell you my labour was wildly different the second time! By the time I wanted pain relief I was already pushing.. you may surprise yourself! The first labour is always harder I think because you didn’t know what to expect x

If its worth anything I’m terrified too and I’m on my third but I’m going to just go with it.. remember you were built for this! Xx
It's worth asking the birthing centre hun at what the options are as I know different hospitals ect do things differently
I can’t have anything morphine based as allergic so can only have gas and air then epidural. I’m going to be trying with gas and air in the pool then move onto epi if struggle. My last labour was induced so hoping it will be different. Just wanted to say I had an epi last time and pushing was 10 minutes !! So it defo didn’t make that stage harder for me lol she came out in three contractions xxx

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