Worried about induction tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2005
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Hello everyone,I hope you can put my mind at rest!
As some of you may know,I am due to be induced tomorrow afternoon,but I am so worried about it,and I'm not sure why. :cry:
I was looking forward to labour,and wasn't in the slightest bit concerned about it as I hoped it would have happened naturally,but now it's all a bit too medical for me.I have never been in hospital before and that is playing on my mind.I keep thinking that the gels and then the drip won't work, I am going to end up having a caesarean,and that is also doing my head in. :wall:

To anyone that has been induced,how did you find it,and did you share the same sort of fears that I am having??

bagpuss xxx
good luck for 2moro hun try not to worry im sure it will all go ok xxxx
not at this stage yet but we discussed this at our parnet craft clas last nite so it's still fresh in my mead.

The MW said if you arrive to be induced (every hospital will be different but they should all follow the same basic plan) you will be taken to your room or ward - they will do the same routine as an anti natal. Check your water, listen to the babies heart, check your blood pressure etc.. they will go through your notes and explain everything to you that is going to happen. They will give you one shot of the gel and ask you to go for a walk around the hospital, go for a cuppa and try and take your mind off things... majority of people i know who have been induced said they needed a 2nd shot of jel... labours that are induced seem to be longer. My friend went 12 hours with her 3rd child, 2 girls in work who where induced took upto 24 hours...

I wouldn't worry too much - your at the best place. Tge MW told us if they ask us to get into funny positions like all 4's then they are doing it to help... some people don't like to move from the bed which is the worst position to be in...

Good luck - you'll be okay.

Best of luck for tomorrow. I think it is normal to be a little worried, I suppose when you go into labour naturally you dont know when it is going to happen.

Please let us know when the little one has arrived although Im sure you will be very busy - all the best

Hi Bagpuss,

I was induced with Jamie last month, I can't compare it to going into labour naturally as he's my first but I was told it seems to be more painful, can't say for sure tho. I think because it's all sped up, your body doesn't have time to adjust to the contractions etc :?:
I was very anxious about the whole thing just like you are & i'd never stayed in hospital before & was scared at the thought & the fact my DH wouldn't be with me all night :( What time you going in?

Here's what happened for me -

20.30 - Got to the hospital & put on a ward (lucky for me I had the whole ward to myself!) They took my notes & briefly told me what would happen. (Have pessary that night, have another in the morning if nothing happens, be put on a drip if process slow)

21.00 - M/W checked my cervix & then inserted a pessary.

22.00 - My DH went home & M/W gave me some paracetamol & a sleeping tablet & said to get some rest.

Slept on & off with period type pains, these were getting stronger.

06.40 - Woke up. (quite calm about everything)

06.45 - My waters broke with quite a gush. Called the M/W, had a shower & called my hubby. Mild contractions started straight away

08.30 - DH had arrived at 8, they took me into the delivery suite.

09.00 - Had some breakfast, inbetween going to the loo to mop myself up from the water that kept trickling out :shock: . Contractions were getting stronger but managable.

10.00 - M/W checked cervix, 3cms dilated. Put me on a drip to speed things up. Put on monitor to monitor contractions & babies heart beat.

10.30 - Put on TENS machine. Contractions getting very strong.

13.10 (ish) - Went on Gas & Air. Contractions coming thick & fast & v.strong.

14.30 - Cervix checked, 6cms.Called for an epidural.

15.00 - Got epidural (thank the lord for that :lol: )

16.30 - Cervix checked, fully dilated but told to wait until epidural wore off a bit more.

17.30 - Started to push.

18.30 - Got a top up for the epidural as in too much pain from SPD so I couldn't push properly.

19.00 - Carried on pushing.

19.57 - Out popped Jamie :D

Jamie did get stuck for 40 mins & nearly had a ventouse used as he was getting distressed & I tore badly so had to go to theatre for an hour to be stitched up but he was a big boy at 9lb 14oz.

I guess every induction turns out differently.
Even though I was scared about the unknown it wasn't that bad, i was more scared about hubby not being there at night time but it was fine & the midwives were all nice & there was lots of coming & goings so was not on my own at all.

The best of luck hun, i'm sure it'll be fine. I kept telling myself that i'll get to meet my son soon so what ever happens will all be worth it & it was. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

I had my first naturally and the second was induced. It wasn't anymore painful it just happened a lot quicker but that a good thing right. I had one pessary and it started working after 1 hour then i was 10cm a couple of hours later. I thought the induction itself was fine but like everyone would of prefered to go natrally, think it took some of the excitement out of it.
i cant offer you any advice huni as i have never been induced but i just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world xxxxxxxxxxxx
Well bagpuss, It looks like your the next one to hold there lil bundle of joy out of us may mommies. :dance:

don't worry i'm sure things will go ok, and I think the things that are worrying you will be smoothed out when you get to hospital. :wink:

What time you got to be there ? :think:

try not to worry keep your head up and let us know when your precious little one is here.

Oh and let us know the birth story cause I've got to go through it next week :shock: :shock:

And like you am worrying..... I think it's just reality that it's happening !

all the best babe. :wink: :wink:
:) Thank you all for your replies and good wishes,your support is very much appreciated,and thanks Nicki for taking the time to write down how your induction went.
I have to be at the hospital at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon,but I have to phone first at two to make sure there is a bed for me.

I am also worried about Dave not being there,and them sending him home when visiting is over - I just hope it happens so quick that he has to stop there anyway!I still keep telling myself that there is time to go naturally,but I just can't see it happening :cry:

bagpuss xxx
I have been induced twice!

The only advice i can give, is take a few things form home like music and a book to help relax you. Be prepared for not much to happen for a while.
I only had the gel first time as I was already dilated with Brody.

They will examine you first and see how soft your cervix is, if you're lucky they will just break your waters (they did this with me for Brody)

Either way after they do the initial inducion, it can take hours for anything to happen. I'd be very surprised if they sent your hubby home though. With Mason, I was induced at 8 am on a fiday and had him at 8am on the saturday and they didn't send my OH home.
I should point out I had that long labour cos he was back to back.

With Brody I was induced at about 11 am and had him about 8pm

Good luck babe, keep mobile when you can and you'll be fine.

P.S. Try to enjoy it, it's an amazing experience!
I hope everything goes OK for you tomorrow. Good luck.

One of my work colleagues was induced with her baby girl last Summer and everything happened really quickly for her, within 5 hours the baby was born.

It's different for everybody, fingers crossed for you that things happen quickly.
I have no experience of this, but good luck hun and will wait to hear the news!
i have never been induced (yet!!) but i just wanted to say the biggest best of luck to you for tomorrow honey.

just think by the latest saturday am you will have your bundle.

can't wait to hear your news. :dance: :dance:
good luck bagpuss - you'll be holding your baby tomorrow! how exciting is that... you never know - when you get in there you may have started off yourself... my friend did and she none the wiser!

good luck - try and get some sleep tonight... thinking about you all day tomorrow..

ps take some lipsol as the gas and air aparently dries them out...

Hi Bagbuss, I was induced with Rebecca back in Feb, I preffered it as atleast that way you get monitored from the very start and not just told to go in when your contractions 5 mins apart.

They look after you from the start, check you and the baby are all ok, heart rate etc, and you can start the gas and air early on...woo hoo.

All joking aside dont worry, you will be fine. Good luck and look forward to hearing your news if the new arrival.xxx
Hi Bagpuss

Just wishing you loads of luck for tomorrow and try not to be too worried. We'll all be thinking of you and can't wait to see you posting in New Arrivals!!!

Tan x
I hope all goes well for you, again...try to enjoy!!!
Good luck tomorrow bagpuss. So excited for you. You'll be in righht place try not to worry. :)

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