Worried about having a kid's belly!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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I am going out on Friday night with work for our christmas party, I have only been out drinking once since having Jacob (as he was breastfed for 6 months) and I got pretty drunk on not very much at all :oops: well I am worrying about what I can drink without making an absolute show of myself :? I love wine but that's what I was drinking the last time I went out, DH has said for me to try vodka (but I haven't had a vodka for 16 months!) I thought about not drinking but quickly decided that I couldn't do that, lol!! If I was out with friends I wouldn't care but work is different, I don't want to be the talk of the office!!!! I used to be able to drink loads and handle my drink pretty well so this is all very strange for me. Will let you know how I get on :D

Mybe you could try something thats low alcohol while still being classy, like a small white wine and spritzer?

And theres no rule that says you have to get plastered, just drink what your comfortable with and have a great evening!
I'd say you would be better off sticking with wine rather than going with the vodka hun!

Just pace yourself!
i dread to think how little it would take for me to make a fool of myself! i missed my work xmas do, and by the sounds of the gossip i have been told about i mised some people get thrown out of the club they ended up in. they where getting too friendly.

anyway, i hope you have a good time! try pacing your self... a soft drink / water between drinks.
that's the problem hun, 1 glass of wine makes me feel like I have had 10!!!

Good luck. I'd just make sure I stuck to one drink and didn't mix. I tend to mix and get pished too easily.

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