Worried about going on holiday, any advice?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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We are planning on going away in November, not sure where yet but would prefer long haul because the weathers not brilliant in Europe. Anyway a few things are worrying me & any advice on how you've coped would be brill. Jamie will be 7 1/2 months ish)

What to do about nappies (esp.if shops aren't local)?
What do babies wear in the pool?
Food in a hotel, what if they don't puree it for us & how safe is it?
Leaving him in a kids club (this scares me rotten but DH thinks its fine :shock: )
How to entertain him on a beach holiday?
Adapting to the time change if long haul.

Thanks muchly.x
What to do about nappies (esp.if shops aren't local)?
What do babies wear in the pool?
Food in a hotel, what if they don't puree it for us & how safe is it?
Leaving him in a kids club (this scares me rotten but DH thinks its fine )
How to entertain him on a beach holiday?
Adapting to the time change if long haul.

I would take a supply of nappies with you, the last thing you want is to end up somewhere that doesn't sell them or sells them at a ridiculously hiked price.
Ella wears a reusable swim nappy when she goes swimming.
Food wise if you're planning on long haul then I take it you're thinking of mexico/dom rep somewhere like that? I would be worried about feeding bub from any food buffet as you don't know how good their food hygiene practices are and how long the food has been sat there for. Fruit that hasn't been peeled should be fine, but I'd take some jars with you aswell.
Kids club - my personal opinion is that I wouldn't leave Ella alone with people whose training you're unsure of, it's unlikely that he'll be looked after by the correct ratio of people and to be honest that whole situation would scare me. Just not something I would do, sorry :oops:
He'll probably enjoy playing in the sand or in the pool, take a few plasticy toys for him to have fun with and maybe a little paddling pool that he could sit in in the shade.
Adjusting to the time difference I'd ask Lauz about, she took Ella to Florida earlier this year.

Hope you have a good time wherever you go :D
We took Katie to Majorca when she was six months old.

I took all my nappies with me, think it worked out around 5 per day, lined the suitcase with them, I also took all my own jars of food (breakfast, dinner and tea). They did sell nappies and food in the shops but the choice was very limited and it cost alot more too. Plus I was worried about giving her food which I hadn't cooked myself.

I took the milk with me also, saches of SMA (8oz in each one) along with a travel sterilizer from Tesco and tablets.

She wore swimmies in the pool, think they were Huggies but I found a cheaper version in Homebargins the other day plus one of those UV suits.

I would recommend a beach tent as well.

And by the time you have packed all of that you only have room left in the suitcase for a bikini and a change of knickers for yourself... :rotfl:

We had a great time and she loved swimming, don't forget one of those inflatable swim rings for babies.

Fhewww , thats me finished.

Hope it helps.
Thanks Kina,

We will probably go to Cuba. I wasn't sure how reuseable the reuseable swimmers were! :lol: & if they actually work!

We've now looked into it further & there is a mall near to Varadero so hoping somewhere should sell nappies (we always use them at night) I think i'll take our cloth ones & wash them.

Still concerned about the food though. Breakfast should be ok, its just lunch & dinner :roll:

I think i'm just a worrier & getting scared for no reason!! :roll:
All places like that will still sell jars of baby food. I know it's not ideal but I personally wouldn't give baby anything made at the hotel...what about hygeine and salt content etc.? I'd just buy jars locally and try and give some healthy fruit etc like mashed banana to help with vitamins :)
Emma C said:
We took Katie to Majorca when she was six months old.

I took all my nappies with me, think it worked out around 5 per day, lined the suitcase with them, I also took all my own jars of food (breakfast, dinner and tea). They did sell nappies and food in the shops but the choice was very limited and it cost alot more too. Plus I was worried about giving her food which I hadn't cooked myself.

I took the milk with me also, saches of SMA (8oz in each one) along with a travel sterilizer from Tesco and tablets.

She wore swimmies in the pool, think they were Huggies but I found a cheaper version in Homebargins the other day plus one of those UV suits.

I would recommend a beach tent as well.

And by the time you have packed all of that you only have room left in the suitcase for a bikini and a change of knickers for yourself... :rotfl:

We had a great time and she loved swimming, don't forget one of those inflatable swim rings for babies.

Fhewww , thats me finished.

Hope it helps.

Thanks hun.
DH & I were saying about that & I think we'll be fine becasue I don't have any summer clothes anyway, well not any that actually fit me! My one and only skirt that did the dog put her bl**dy claw through the other day :evil: (we nearly had dog stew for dinner!)
I don't know what i'm going to wear & the thought of me putting a bikini on terrifies me :shock:
Emma, i've just been having a look on Ebay!! for those swim suits as I hadn't even givin that a thought (thank you) I take it they wouldn't get boiling hot in those as their bodies are covered?

I dont blame you for worrying , so much to think of when you take a baby with you hope you enjoy yourselves
Hey Nicki

I defo would let Jamie eat the hotel food, its much safer to use jars, take a few with you or those packs of Cow and gate dried stuff is good although prob taste cack

The time change is a problem which is why we havent gone long haul, we were offered a free trip to Florida but I just couldnt stand the thought of a long flight with Aimee on my lap and the jetlag. Its quite had for them to adapt esp if you go for a short time.

You will always be able to get nappies out there but take a small pack with you.

Have a great time if you do go, sure it will be all worth it
Katie was ok in her UV suit, even had the matching hat, and she didn't seem to hot in it, however she did look like a sausage in a skin :rotfl: but it did the trick none of those harmful rays plus you don't have to pin the down to out loads of suncream on.

I wouldn't worry about the bikini, my philosophy is no-one knows you on holiday so it doesn't matter about the wobbly bits!!! plus when you lay down on a sunbed they disappear, unfortunatly for me so do my boobs!!
:rotfl: I wish my tummy did disappear when I lay down, it used to but now............................................... :(

I'm going to buy some of those suitsuits, jamie hates me potting suncream on him anyone would think I was trying to strangle him :lol:
nikki you look great in the piccie that em posted today, don't worry at all about wearing a cozzy hun :D

Lindsay said:
nikki you look great in the piccie that em posted today, don't worry at all about wearing a cozzy hun :D


Aww thanks hun. Luckily Alex was hiding most of me. :lol: I have fantastic love handles & a super sagging belly (still with the poxy line down it!) gonna look a treat :fib:
it might be worth speaking to your holiday booker to see what the hotel you book offer for children. i would make sure you had a fridge and we took the sterilising bags which were fine. and do make sure that you only give jamie bottled water (which i am sure that you will). and the most important advice is, have loads of fun.

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