Working From Home


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hey all i was wondering weither anyone could help me im looking into do a job working from home is there anyone on here that does something like this and could you recommend this to me and also how do i go about doing it? Any help would be appreciated. :D
I used to write databases from home and it was ok, but as freelance it wasnt very secure.

The only advice I can really give you is NEVER use a company that asks for money up front - they are always a scam. A reputable company will never ask for money up front.

It really depends what you want to do, but there are fewer and fewer companies empolying people from home, so if you can go freelance thats the better option in my opinion, though the income isnt always regular.

What kind of thing did you have in mind?
Not really sure tbh i was just wondering what kind of thing there is to do in that line of work :think:
I work from home, freelancing for a travel company. Its great because I can pick & choose my hours.
My MIL does the same thing which is how I got into it & becasue a close friend of my DH's family help set up the company a few years ago, so I don't really know how you would go about it i'm afraid but if you can find it its great.
Not sure if they would know but you could try your local job centre to see if they know of anything you could do.

Good luck hun.

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