Work question


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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Hi all,

I'm 4w3d pregnant and have only been in my job since June.

I've been worrying about when to tell them because my probation doesn't end until December at which point I will be 4.5 months pregnant.

Shall I wait or do I tell them before?

They are a great company and tend support their employees but I'm still worried they might find a reason to let me go.

I'm managing a department of 19 staff so I have quite an important job.

Any advice would be welcome!

Thanks all x
I only started my job on the 9th July. On the 14th August I told my manager I was pregnant and she was completely fine about it!
I'd tell them at 12 weeks, in order to not extend your probation they would need a lot of documented evidence as to why you're not suitable for the role such as under performance. And you'd know way before the end of probation - & it wouldn't be pregnancy related. Any sniff of discrimination has businesses run the opposite way & bend over backwards for you. They stand to lose too much if accused & taken to tribunal. I think it looks bad on your integrity if you waited until the end of probation to avoid telling them.
I started ne job at 8 weeks and told them at 14 x
You said that you are managing a department of 19 staff, so it seems that your position is quite important.I think if you tell your boss right now, he will not fire you. Plus, your probation time is long.
I think you should tell this to you boss and seek help about the matter.
Well I was around 8-10 weeks pregnant when I started work my 3 months probation ended yesterday. I'm still yet to tell them I will tell my manager on Tuesday as his off tomorrow.
They can't get rid for being preggers and good news you'll be entitled to mat pay too.

You weren't even preggers when you started so I'm sure they won't be funny - tell them it was unplanned and you're an innocent victim of circumstances (even if it's not true!)

You only have to tell them when you're 15 weeks from edd (I think) - but unless you think they'd be off with you I think it's reasonable to tell them when you reach 12 weeks.

Good luck
You definitely do NOT need to go into any elaborate explanation about whether your pregnancy was planned or not! That is really no-one else's business!!

I agree with other posters that you should wait until 12 weeks and then tell work. Unless there's a valid reason not to pass your probationary period - under-performance, etc - then there's no reason the company won't keep you on. It might be worth keeping a log of everything that happens just in case? Any attitude change towards you is still discrimination, so keeping a record of everything might help you to recall specific incidents that you would otherwise forget.
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