

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Sorry need to vent!

I'm due to finish next Friday all been planned with my boss for wks. He has been really slack in sorting my cover, thinks he has someone now but only sorted this week so I don't expect she can start when I finish. I stupidly said I could work on a bit longer if needed, now he is expecting another full week or two out of me!

I'm stressing because I don't want to do it, it's not my fault he didn't sort this out and I shouldn't feel guilty. After our two lots of contractions and being in hosiptal mw said I'll be lucky to make 37wks. Which would give me no time if baby is early.

Why did I say I could help??? I'm now stressing about telling him tomorrow that I am actually going to finish next Friday and that be it. BUT I'm sat here thinking of excuses to why I don't want to work when actually I'm having a baby and I don't need any other reason.

Thanks ladies, I really needed to vent x
Be firm and stick by your guns! You said it yourself - you don't need to give a reason other than its your maternity leave!
Ah we all said stupid things earlier on.
I told my boss I would work up to 2 weeks before Sausage was due - not long ago I changed it to 4. There was a bit of a shocked look on her face but she didn't grumble thankfully.

If that is the date you agreed in writing then you have no need to worry - tell them you are more exhausted then you expected to be, esp with contractions!! You don't need any more excuse than that.
I haven't had to put in writing wen I'm finishing yet. Have told work verbally I'm here til 1 June and was told they wouldn't hold me strictly to it cos things can change. They r interviewing for my cover on Monday but thankfully taking from those who already know the job.

U can start maternity anytime from 11 weeks b4 due date and specially with contractions ur boss shouldn't b asking u to stay longer. It's their fault cover isn't organised. Just be strong and tell them u need to finish next week. U need that time for yourself b4 baby arrives xx
After what youve been through id defo be finishing asap.... Id tell the boss that its not safe for you to work past when you said as you need to get stuff ready and you want to relax and stuff before baby arrives.
If they havent sorted cover thats their fauklt theyve had enough notice xxx
Thank you so much ladies, I will let you know tomorrow how the news goes down. I've never been such a whimp before! xx

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