Woop Woop I'm back on the internet - how are you all doing!!

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hey guys :wave: :wave: :wave:

I'm back on line!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I feel like i'v missed so much with not being around as much over the last few weeks. How are you all doing?!?!? What have i missed?

Hello to all the newbies that have come over while i was away :wave: :wave:

And congrats to all of the mummy's i missed popping while i was off line.

Its great to be back !! and i'm on last baby of my ticker too so double celebration!!!

As for me... bubbs and i are doing ok apart from i'm only getting about 2 hours sleep at night due to bad back, and restless legs which is making my last few weeks at work a bit of a drag. But maternity starts in 1-2 weeks! YAY!!!

Hope your all well anyway...... Let me know how your all getting on!!


Good to see you back. No news here really, getting ready to begin the baby eviction process now. I'm having a few of the same sleeping issues- I'm finding my hips getting really sore during the night and for some reason my brain doesn't want to sleep :roll:

Apart from that all is good. Not long for us now :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Alex xxx
hey hun :wave: good to see you back, was wondering where you had gone too!!

if you didnt know, i had my scan last monday (had to have 4D private scan because baby was being naughty at hospital lol) and im having a little girl - couldnt be happier!! :D

anyways, look at your ticker girl - not long now!!!

Alex - Hello there my little text buddy!! I'm so excited about our due dates drawing near!!! I cannot wait for the day when i am texting you and you me updating each other its so exciting!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I'm pelased your still doing well but this no sleep is a killer isn't it!

leanne - Hi there hun!! A GIRL!!! CONGRATULATIONS I bet you are so happy. Is you other half over the moon its a girl too? I cannot believe how far along you are already it only seems like yesterday i was reading your bfp post! Time flies doesn't it!!! Before you know it you'll be counting down your final days too!

I'm pleased your both doing well!! Now i'm back on line i can keep up to date which is great!

:wave: Hi LMP, glad to see you back on the forum :cheer:

You've missed a whole new intake into tri 3 and lots of babies popping :D

:( for your lack of sleep. I started maternity leave today so can't imagine what it must be like working until very near the end - well done you :D
Mildly said:
:wave: Hi LMP, glad to see you back on the forum :cheer:

You've missed a whole new intake into tri 3 and lots of babies popping :D

:( for your lack of sleep. I started maternity leave today so can't imagine what it must be like working until very near the end - well done you :D

Hey Mildy Wow look at your ticker too! Doesn't time fly! I know i've missed a huge amount of newbies! I'll have to spend my time trying to catch up!

On the working up until the end.... i wouldn't recommend it :(

Take Care and hopefully i'll me around more often now to keep up to date with how your going! YAY!!

Little miss pink said:
leanne - Hi there hun!! A GIRL!!! CONGRATULATIONS I bet you are so happy. Is you other half over the moon its a girl too? I cannot believe how far along you are already it only seems like yesterday i was reading your bfp post! Time flies doesn't it!!! Before you know it you'll be counting down your final days too!
hey hun :wave: yeah i know, i cant believe im nearly 22 weeks already!! :shock: its flying by!!! I cant believe your counting down the days now too - how fast is it going!!!

Yeah OH was over the moon because he wanted a girl, although he said he didnt mind, he would have loved a little girl, deep down i wanted a girl but like OH wasnt bothered so long as baby is healthy but was sooo suprised when they said girl - i couldnt believe it!!! im soooo happy!!! :D


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