i'm back.. missed you all


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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Hi Ladies,

Hope all is going well with one and all and Congratulations :cheer: to all those that have popped and Good Luck to all those about to and you overdue ladies too :pray: ... sorry forgot you ladies coming into 3rd Tri Welcome :wave:

I am sorry for my swift departure but have been so stressed about this baby but finally got to see the top consultant and has now put my mind at ease.

Had a growth scan on Tuesday 31+5 and baby doing well and weighs 4lb 8oz. I am due back again on the 2nd of September for another growth scan and assessment as to what route they are going to go down with this baby.

It's so nice to be back amongst familiar faces.

Take care all
Kathy x

I cant seem to get my tickers back on! any ideas
I'm glad you're back Kathy! :cheer: :hug:

Glad baby is measuring well too and you feel happier with everything!

Welcome home :D xx
Hello :wave:

Glad things are going well for you :hug: and that you've come back to the forum :hug: :D
:cheer: :cheer: welcome back.... glad everything is ok with you.

sorry....not got a clue about your tickers.

Thanks guys..

I cant believe Dannii that you are so close to meeting your LO and Midly your not that far behind either!

Is everyone coping with this weather.. I am doing a 3 hour nap in the afternoons :sleep: just want to keep sleeping.

Well thanks again :hug:
Take care
Kathy x
I'm going with the afternoon nap thing too.... it's great. it's going to be a bit of a shock to my system when the baby is here though so I might try and get out of the habit of it before it's too late
mibiuk said:
Is everyone coping with this weather.. I am doing a 3 hour nap in the afternoons :sleep: just want to keep sleeping.
Dont think my boss would be too impressed if I kipped under the desk :lol: but must admit when I get the chance (like today been to consultant so not at work) I do squeeze the odd nap in :wink:
Oooh I love napping, it is my favourite past time :D

Time really is going fast now, it won't be long before we all have our bubbas :cheer:

When you post a message, make sure the 'Attach a signature' box is ticked. It should be the fourth tick box down below the bit where you write your message. It might be a setting under User Control Panel too. Hope that helps :)
Hey you!!!

Where u been then? Weather has been sucky especially the humid days!!

Sleeping has been getting better its nice to sleep!!

x :hug:
AWW Sweetie im glad your feeling better about things :D :hug:
Glad to see you back :D

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