Won't take a bottle


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Arthur used to take a bottle fine up until about 4 weeks ago and suddenly he is refusing it. I used to express breastmilk and it meant my hubby could do some
Night feeds. I have tried to get someone else to feed him, to leave the room and to change his teat but he looks disgusted when it goes in his mouth, rolls the teat on his tounge, and pushes it out with his tounge. I haven't been desperate for him to take them as I enjoy bf but occassiobaly it would be great if my hubby could do a nigh feed.

Any suggestions? Thanks x
I had this with Isla and I really struggled. Could the flow be not right for him? Xx
Not sure I have swapped to the 3 month + teats but it hasn't helped. When he goes through a growth spurt it's exhausting a im feeding every 2 hours in the night. My husband really wants to do the weekend night feeds as well ad I'd love the sleep. X
Oh gosh I remember this so well! I tried god knows how many bottles and cups! The ones we eventually got her to take were mam ones! Even then I thi k it was cos my milk was drying up and she had to do it! I really hope you find one that works for you, it's so draining isn't it?!
I had this with oscar. He was fine with a bottle a night from his dad, but around 4 months I think he was, he rejected bottles altogether, would just scream! We are still BFing now and I really want to stop by the time he's 12 months, because I would be 3 months pregnant by then too and I'm dreading weaning him off coz he gets comfort from me too!
Thanks for your responses ladies. Hubby tried bottle got last feed last night as u was out and A just screamed and went to bed without one. He then woke at 3 and we ted bottle again but he screamed and screamed so I gave him
Boob. What can I do??????????????? :(

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