wishful thinking??


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Hi,im new here but think im slowly goin crazy. I only started ttc this month but i've had a lot of wot i thought was pregnancy symptoms; nausea that comes and goes in waves; sore,achy,heavy bbs; irritability; darker nipples; headaches; gone off some foods and coffee and had a tiny bit of spotting on saturday morning. i did a test today (6 days early) and it was a BFN!! I'm hoping that it was just cos it was too early but this waiting is driving me insane! I've promised my dh that i'l stop listing my symptoms to him at every opportunity so thought i'd vent my frustration here lol xx
yes it probably is still veyr early to be doing a hpt but at least you know you are still in you have got a lot of symptoms but my best advice to you is try not to stress over it too mch cause it can take over your life just enjoy bding more often

good luck xxx
Hey emma its my first month ttc, i had very sore boobs and headaches but after talking to ppl on here that may be my pill coming out of system. I have no self control and did an early test which gave me a BFN! I dont really have any advice as im just as new to this as you but wanted to wish you good luck.
thank u, i'm guess im just an impatient person and will wait till at least sunday to test again. I think its because it always happened fairly quick or accidentally wiv my other pregnancies. xx

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