wish i had breast fed


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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I never wanted to admit this as i always try to defend us bottle feeding mums.
but this time round i really wish i had atleast tryed it.

i was at a carboot yesterday there was a girl there looked very young about 18 she had twins about 3months old she was she was in the middle of the field walking ound breastfeeding her babies.
i really take my hat of to her, i was scared how hard it would be with a 1yr old and breast feeding a newborn. but i wish i did. i dont want any more children and neither does OH but i feel like i have missed out not having the closeness of breatfeeding.

and Dior is always getting coughs colds ect

so ashamed to admit all this.!!!

ps whats the latest you can start breast feeding? silly question i wont start now its not fair confussing Harley but just wondering? as i still leak milk? as iv got a habbit of squeezing them every now and then :oops:

now dont think this gives any of you the right to say "told you so" :lol:
Dionne, you made the choice that you felt happiest with and therefore you should not feel bad. As for the coughs and colds, yes breastfeeding does significantly reduce infections, but breastfed babies can still get them. I would never say I told you so, and no-one else will either!!! Don't feel guilty, bossy beanie says you are not allowed too :wink:

As for breastfeeding Harley, yes it can be done. Even women who have not given birth can start producing milk through letting baby suckle on them for as long as possible. However Harley may not accept the braest at first as he is used to the bottle and the breast is harder work for a baby. There is no harm in trying if that is what you really want. I would advise introducing Harley to your breast, and if he will suckle to let him do so. You will still have to feed him formula as it will take a while for your body to get the message milk is needed, but as time goes on he will have less formula and more breast milk. I will try and get som more info about this.
Firstly DON'T FEEL BAD! You are doing what you feel is right for your babies :) (((hugs)))

If you do want to try breastfeeding Harley you can try and get your milk flow up. It will take some determination, but I've heard about women giving up but changing their minds. It might be too late, but unless you try you don't know.

How would Kris feel about you b/f? Would he support you through trying to get your supply up?

Have a read of this:

kris will support me. and i have got in the most horrible habbit of proping Harleys bottleup with a cushion and sitting next to him! its so nasty of me it should be our time to bond.

if i sqeeze my boob i get about half a oz then there is nothing for about 30mins then il get about another half oz.
im confident i can put my mind to it and get my supply up. ild prob try using a breastpump to get my boobs used to it. but its getting Harley to suck my nipple i think will be very hard!

when i was in hospital there was a lady next to me she had been in for 2 weeks she BF for 2 days then gave up two weeks later i she was still in hospital (high BP) i was ear wigging to her chatting to the nurse she said would it be poss to try BF again? the nurse said that it takes two complete types of sucking and it would be to hard to get baby to learn to suck the breast now after sucking a bottle????

i do really want to try it i feel me and Harley have missed out.
but then its the guilt of Harleys having whats best and Dior was brought upon formula.

i think im going to have a real good think about this.

does any one think its abit unfair on Harley? confussing him like this?

rosieroo, thanks for the link im going to sit down and have a read x x
Dionne... I don't think anyone will tell you "told you so". :D

We do what we think is best at the time. I can understand why you feel the way you do, but enjoy the bond you have with your boy now.
You might not want any more babies just now, but perhaps in a few years. You're still young and lots can still happen!

Emilia xx
right im going to goforit...
what have i got to loose?

so where do i start? do i phone

i read i might need a hospital type breast pump as they are stronger and help get the milk supply up.

i hope the HV is ok with me!

can i ask for another HV? as my HV is acualy all forbottle feeding.she told me she never felt comfy Breast feeding so she bottle fed both hers

to be honest i think it all goes by how they are going to be towards it. if they are not suportive i cant see me trying it
I have an unused handheld Avent Isis breast pump if you want it - not as good as the electric ones, but it's not doing anything sat here. Send me a PM
dionne, take no notice of whether your HV is supportive or not - if it feels right and you want to do it then give it a go! if you don't try then you'll always wonder "what if"!

i don't think you'll confuse harley, he may be a little "hey, what on earth is this?!" for a while, but it won't do him any harm i'm sure! and you never know he might take to it straight away...

do what you feel is right hun, and don't feel guilty because harley might get the goodness of breastmilk while dior never did - after all she's a healthy, happy little girl and you have done well! :clap: i was brought up on bottles and so was my sister - and we're both fine! lol
I would talk to your HV and ask her to forward details of any breastfeeding support groups in your area etc so you can get some support. Also someone will need to help you get the correct latch. You can contct the NCT helpline for more advice or to see if there is a breast feeding counsellor in your area. Breastfeeding Line 0870 444 8708 - I have used this and they are great, really friendly and so easy to talk to xx
Hi Dionne

Hunny, if you want to give it ago then do, you're certainly not being cruel to Harley trying him with it. Likewise if you change your mind or if it doesn't work out then don't feel bad - you're a great mum who does the best by her kids.

I would get in touch with a breastfeeding councellor. When Olivia was having trouble latching on in the early days I called the La Leche league (tel: 0845 120 2918). They can refer you to a local hospital that has a dept specializing in bf babies (I went along to a hosp where they teach babies to suck after being tube/bottle fed for weeks)

To get your milk up you'll need to offer Harley the boob as often as possible. Apparently the hormone prolactin (needed to produce milk) is high during the night so you should also express once at night to help your supply.

If you get in touch with your GP/HV they might be able to prescribe you that thing that someone got to increase their milk supply - I think it was domperidone or something?

Sorry for the ramble :)

Firstly, Dionne well done for coming on here and asking for help with this, and be proud of yourself for giving it a go I think it's GREAT.

One of the first things I would do is go and buy some nipple cream, as you will need to let him suckle for a long time and he needs to get the hang of it so your nipples will hurt for at least a couple of weeks, maybe more.

Everyone else has given you loads of great advice, so I won't add to it all, only to say, it may be hard at first but I think you are strong enough to perservere and really enjoy it.

I think its great if you give it a go hun. :) but also prepare yourself that it might not work, harley may not take to it, because you dont want to get upset if it doesnt happen. I wish Id persevered in the early days now when I gave up bf. My nipples were so sore but now I think I should have at least tried to express or use nipple shields. Good luck hun, hope it goes well. let us know what the HV says
Dionne I'm really impressed :) Even if it doesn't work out (though I've got everything crossed for you and am really really hoping it does :pray: :pray: :pray: ) then you've made the choice to try it which is fantastic. The fact that you can still get a bit of milk out proves that you're still producing. Just sit with Harley, relax and let him feed. Does Dior like watching films etc? Cos if she does you could all sit down together and you can latch him on for a while, plus still have Dior snuggling into you.
Don't feel bad for bottle feeding Dior - I think everyone on here knows that you have been a fantastic mother to her.
And never feel guilty for coming on this forum and saying that you wish you had - the fact that you voiced that makes you a very strong person.
I will support you 200% (as I know all the other bf mums will), if you have ANY probs at all with the feeding then let us know.
I reckon you should get a electric pump at first then just sit down and pump each breast for ages. Even if no milk is coming out then you are still stimulating them to produce. Harley is still only young and I'm sure that he will still have the rooting reflex and should take to the breast well eventually. Any bf counsellor that you phone will be really supportive - there is help out there.
It took me a while to get established with bf, and without sounding like a total bf freak it honestly is the best thing that I have ever done. It has helped me to bond with Ella (not saying that formula feeding mums don't bond with their children, am not starting that!) but I was worried about bonding with her before she was born and now things are going well I love to sit down with her and feed and just watch her.

((((hugs)))) to you and good luck!!
awww hun dont feel bad i to wish that i had breast fed for longer!! harley is a happy loved lil boy thats wot matters
Hello, I hope its working for you. But if it fails dont worry. I will also try and help as much as I can.

Have you been in touch with anyone yet?

good on you dionne! whether it works or not you will have tried and thats great!
as we've seen on the bf thread there arent that many differenced between bottle and breast fed babies, so if it can make you feel better to give it a go then mummy and baby will be the better for it :D

we're all there to help
good luck hun xxx
tracyM said:
I have an unused handheld Avent Isis breast pump if you want it - not as good as the electric ones, but it's not doing anything sat here. Send me a PM
tracy thats lovely,ilspeaktosome one see what they recomend. just not sure if it will be strong anough.
im going to get up first thing in the morning and call some of these helplines you have given me.

im nervous but im ready for it, kris aint realy that happy about it he feels its unfair on Harley and will be hard when Dior decides to play up

i had a go of trying to get him to latch on but he wasnt having any of it just throwing his head from side to side getting very anoyed, he then sucked for about 3seconds. bloody hell i never realised how strong they suck but then he stoppped

taking him clinic to get weighed tomorrow thinki should speak to my HV?
the only reason im put of speaking to her is she is not all for breast feeding like most HV. as our clinic is trying to ban selling formula and she is against this and arguing for formula to be sold she says what happened to parents having a choice?? she was telling me how she bottle fed her babies and dont regret it
hun if u wanna give it a try good on u ask ur HV about it but remember she is there to advise u not to tell u wot to do, wen that BF programme was on i wanted to re-start BF braydon but felt at 4 months old he was to old as i would wanna stop at 6 ish neways but i wish u every luck i think its great u wanna try
and kris isnt the one who will have to cope if u feel u can then u should be able to give it a try
PS sorry for rambling
Hey D sucking for 3 secs is a good start, trust me! My friend struggled to get her newborn even to do that!

I would mention it to your HV but she probably will say it's not possible as it's not that common for people to change their minds like you. Be ready for her to tell you it's waste of time and ignore her. There's a slight chance she'll support you so take the chance then ignore any bad comments she has.

Best of luck chick, try and offer him boob whenever you can :)

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