wish i could stop worrying!


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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i've got my scan on the 18th, so not long now... but i don't feel that pregnant any more... i started feeling less tired about 1.5 weeks ago and to be honest, my other symptoms haven't been that bad at any point anyway.

i know i should be counting myself lucky, but i can't! i'm still quite emotional, my skin's still not that great (but i've got pcos and that affects it anyway) and smells are still driving me up the wall. my boobs are still a bit sore, but nothing like as bad as they were.

but no nausea, headaches or tiredness like i did have...

i keep worrying that everything's gone wrong and i'm just imagining my remaining mild symptoms... i had a scan at 7+2 and could see my blob and its heartbeat, so i know that logically, the chances of anything having gone wrong are quite small (less than 3% apparently). but i've had so many crappy things go wrong in my life recently that i'm getting more and more convinced that this has gone wrong too...

is anyone else in this position?

I'm sure everything is fine. Someone else on here said a while ago that they had lost their symptoms and they were told that as your body gets used to the hormone level, the symptoms disappear or aren't that bad, BUT, once your pregnancy progresses, it'll all start again!

I had sore boobs - REALLY sore boobs til a week or so ago and now they barely hurt at all.

Try not to worry and look forward to your scan and show us a pic when you get it!! :hug: :hug:
Same here, sometimes I think I feel TOO WELL!... I also get a little tired and my boobs are sore but not as much as before and yes, I can't smell some foods... but sometimes i think it's a bit strange...
thanks guys :hug: i'm so pleased i'm not the only one...!! and i feel really guilty when i hear other people talk about how bad their morning sickness is and even more guilty when i secretly wish i had it too! :oops:

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