

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i'm really not very confident with winding. how do u kno if u got it all up, and if they dont burp does that mean i'm doing it wrong or theres no wind to burp?!

whats the best way to do it?
I am no expert but I read about this in Miriam Stoppard yesterday. it said babies do not always need to be winded, it is more usual for bottle fed babies as they swallow more air during feeding than breast fed babies to need winding. if you try and force it too much you can make them sick instead.
Dylan hardly needs winding when he is drinking from my breast..He has a sceam which is exclusively used for wind me mom but I don't alway have wind for him..I can only speak for my experience with Dylan but he often won't settle either if he has wind.
I agree with the other posts, William doesn't always need winding but if he's sleeping or laying quietly and then lets out a sudden scream or cry it's generally wind. If you hold your ear to his tummy while patting him on your shoulder you can often hear of there's wind in there too! Also, have any of you noticed that they often look a little grey around the mouth if they have wind??!! That's always a clue for me!
Annabelle will always do 1 big burp after a feed (shes breastfed) with a bit of sick (reflux) then thats her. However sometimes she will be fussing when she is laid down and i try her dummy etc, but when i pick her up she will burp (que feeling bad for not picking her up sooner!) so sometimes u wont know, but 90% of the time u will know how your baby burps so just trust ur self.
BF babies hardly need winding, I found that keeping Libby upright after a feed for a while was all that was needed. Up to 6 weeks I would keep her upright for 10-15mins depending on how long she fed for (less time for a shortfeed) now I just keep her upright for 5 mins, if she has wind she'll burp within that time.
Its also a good excuse for a nice cuddle & bond with baby, just rest her against your shoulder & rub her back. Don't worry if no wind comes up - she'll let you know if she's uncomfortable, so you could then try agiain :hug:
Hiya trix, try and keep her upright layong over your shoulder and rub her back gently, it will relax her and it will help her burp easier, if she isnt winding well try some dentinox drops.they alwasy get rid of the wind with the help of back rubbing.
Feel her tummy too, if its a bot hard then she might be holding onto her wind still
i read somewhere that you should try winding for 1 min which is what i do, then i keep her upright for a little while and she will just wind herself.

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