

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Jack's been really strange with winding the past day or so, not sure if it's to do with his cold or the hot weather. He's always been a funny winder - sometimes all i have to do is sit him up and a huge burp falls out, other times i can be patting him for ages and nothing happens. But just lately he's not winding at all, even after big feeds (there's still plenty coming out of the other end mind).

My HV said that if you've tried winding him for around 5 minutes and nothing is happening then it's ok to presume that he has none and to put him down. But i always feel really guilty about putting him down if he hasn't burped. We all know how uncomfy trapped wind can be.

What are your rules/thoughts on winding? x
Quite often when i Wind Emily, nothing comes out, but she doesn't get trapped wind pain. I think sometimes there just is no wind to come out. If you've given it a god 5 mins, then I think you should be ok to assume your LO is wind free! :)
Either that or lay lo down for 5 mins and then pick up and try again it worked for Thomas and does James now xxx

As long as it's coming out one end and he's not unhappy, I wouldn't worry too much.
If you think that he has got wind then you cud try infacol to help bring up the wind easier!!
If Bertie doesn't burp during the bottle I put him in his bouncer for 10 minutes. Quite often the movement will make him burp, he's also sat up in case he's sick with it. With the Mam bottles he has a lot less wind though xxxxxxx
Was just remembering that when harrison was tiny and he had terrible colic we found that putting him in a vibrating chair helped to bring up wind/sick or poo!!
yeah same here really, i just keep going sometimes and feel bad for putting him down without winding but he doesnt seem to get any wind pain etc so i guess sometimes he just doesnt have any wind to bring up!


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