Winding at 5 months?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Just remembered that I wanted to ask you all about winding. All I want to know is when do you stop? Isaac seems to bring up his own wind now between feeds and some nights he falls asleep having his bottle so I can't wind him properly anyway and he never wakes up crying so the wind can't be getting trapped. I know that colic usually stops at 3 months old but does that mean that thats when their wind stops getting trapped?

Hope this is in the right section. I couldn't decide if it was feeding or health?

Lou :)
If he's bringing his own wind up he should be fine, Abi brings her own up but i still rub her back now and again and get the odd burp.
I don't bother winding anymore she just brings up her own wind when she sat up.
i dont need to wind matthew anymore just sit him up and he does it on his own!! and he never cries like he used to with it
i stopped winding Charlie and Ethan when they sat up on there own

cool. Thanks for your replies. I would have felt guilty stopping winding him without asking you lot first!

He has started getting a little bit more sicky now between feeds but I guess all his digestive system is developing and changing so its to be expected.

Thanks again

Lou :)
Brody gets his own wind up most of the time. Sometimes at night, because he's quite new to taking milk from a bottle, I wind him a little before putting him down.

The rest of the time I don't bother though.
Samuel has only just started getting trapped wind that keeps him awake at night, though from what you guys have said, it will hopefully all stop by the time he is five months old.

fingers crossed!
lou said:
I know that colic usually stops at 3 months old

Errr - I wish!! Rubie's started at about 2.5 months and she still gets it now (almost 5 months) if she doesn't have her infacol :(

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