Will you miss this?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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I'm in a very thoughtful mood today ( :oops: )and was just thinking that in 5 weeks i'll be in 3rd tri where ppl actually have babies!! And I suppose it must be very strange actually having a baby and not being pregnant anymore! That little thing we have been talking about everyday is going to be here and we will no longer be pregnant. Its sort of sad in a way but obviously noone wants to be pregnant forever and its great having a baby to hold at the end of it but do you now what I mean? I won't be the only one who can feel our baby then, everyone can! I can't really explain myself very well but what i mean is.. im going to miss being pregnant! Its been such a great experience so far :cry: :wall:
I know what you mean. I said to my OH the other day I wonder if I'll miss being kicked when the babies born, to which he sensibly replied 'by the time you're full term, you'll probably be glad to get the baby out of there!" Good point!

I think I'll miss strangers smiling at me, and having an excuse for being lazy! At the same time though I'm looking forward to having a few drinks again!! x
I know what you mean. I said to my OH the other day I wonder if I'll miss being kicked when the babies born, to which he sensibly replied 'by the time you're full term, you'll probably be glad to get the baby out of there!" Good point!

I think I'll miss strangers smiling at me, and having an excuse for being lazy! At the same time though I'm looking forward to having a few drinks again!! x
I've felt so sick and rotten that I will be glad when he's here and I can feel normal-ish again!! :wink:
Thought I would sneak in from the 3rd Tri........

I felt exactly the same as you in the 2nd Tri, I have had a wonderful pregnancy, had no sickness or complications - even my iron levels stayed normal! Until I hit 32 weeks I felt perfectly normal, still walking my dog 2-3 miles a day and feeling so well!

That was until I hit about 34 weeks........oh and then it gets tough, your body hurts and I mean really hurts.......I have to crawl upstairs on my hands and knees some evenings, I get absolutely no sleep, my hips and joints ache, and my stomach is so tight it feels like it might just burst - Im now so miserable :(

At this moment in time I can honestly say I wont miss being pregnant at all :D
I'll miss it terribley. Even though there's all kinds of worry going on around me, I can honestly say I've never felt this content in myself. I feel like I have a little secret that no one else knows.

I feel bad for the girls who are having hard time with with their pregnancies. Even though getting comfy in bed is awful and the heartburn is dire, they're worth putting up with. Even the 6 weeks of constant morning sickness was worth it. I love it when people tell me that I'm "looking well" and "really showing now". I was chuffed to bits to have buy knickers the next size up the other day. I really don't want time to pass to quickly so I can enjoy every single second.

I do keep looking at my ticker and thinking "Epp soon I'll have to go to the 3rd Tri room where all the scary business is happening" :D
haribo_princess said:
I've felt so sick and rotten that I will be glad when he's here and I can feel normal-ish again!! :wink:

Same here. Get it out!
EllieBelle said:
Thought I would sneak in from the 3rd Tri........

I felt exactly the same as you in the 2nd Tri, I have had a wonderful pregnancy, had no sickness or complications - even my iron levels stayed normal! Until I hit 32 weeks I felt perfectly normal, still walking my dog 2-3 miles a day and feeling so well!

That was until I hit about 34 weeks........oh and then it gets tough, your body hurts and I mean really hurts.......I have to crawl upstairs on my hands and knees some evenings, I get absolutely no sleep, my hips and joints ache, and my stomach is so tight it feels like it might just burst - Im now so miserable :(

At this moment in time I can honestly say I wont miss being pregnant at all :D

Oh no, don't tell me there's worse to come :wall: :wink:
I remember towards the end of my last pregnancy being so fed up and doing everything to get baby out then when she was here I missed my bump loads and wanted to put her back in :lol:
i know what you mean and feel very simalar :D :hug: :hug:
Snuggle said:
I remember towards the end of my last pregnancy being so fed up and doing everything to get baby out then when she was here I missed my bump loads and wanted to put her back in :lol:

Hehe me too... I was 10 days overdue and soooo fed up by then, I tried every trick in the book to start off labour! But after she was born I really did miss being pregnant. I think I will feel the same this time too as so far my pregnancy has gone well and been easy, haven't had any horrible side effects at all! I do feel sorry for all the women who have had a hard time of it though and can't blame you for wanting it to be over so you've got your babies!
I wont miss it.
I'll be glad when my gums arent bleeding so much, that i'm not a spotty mess, that i'm not throwing up, that i can no longer smell dustbins from 50 paces away, that everything smells like a dirty dustbin including fabric conditioner!
Not to mention the birth is out of the way.
Nah , looking forward to being able to get back into shape and lifting again and being able to hold my baby and just getting back on with life as it all feels on hold right now. And wearing my proper clothes again.

I dont think I am one of life's natural pregnant women really :?
Having been thru it twice already, yes, you do get to the last few weeks when you feel the size of a house, everything aches, your bladder rules your life and you have a close to full term baby booting you from morning til night... then you give birth, not a fun experience (no matter how much pain relief you have) and your baby is finally out. Your days are then spent feeding, changing nappies and trying to understand why it keeps waking up in the night and won't let you have any sleep. It is around then that you start to think 'It was so much easier when it was in my tummy!!!' :lol:

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