Will toddler be jealous?

mum's the word

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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I'm a bit concerned about how Ricky will react when his baby bro is born, he will be exactly 18 months old.
I hope to breast feed, and am also optimistic about being able to express some milk and get the baby to take a bottle, I know how hard this is though!
How did your toddlers react to a new baby, and do you have any tips on how to make them feel equally loved and have time with you?
My OH isn't very confident with babies so I think he'll be giving Ricky lots more attention, as will in laws, my parents etc cos they already feel sorry for him, keep saying 'he's still a baby bless him, he won't understand'.
I don't want there to be a situation where I'm left doing everything with the baby while others fuss Ricky KWIM?

Thanks in advance. :)
My oldest was 2 when her baby brother came along and we had moments of jealousy but nothing too serious. She got lots of big sister presents when he was born and we made sure he had a nice gift for his sister when he arrived.
If your lucky ppl will be like they were for us and make a fuss of Ricky first when they come to visit instead of rushing straight to the baby.
I found it helpful when ppl asked if they could help etc to get them to sit with the baby for an hour rather than the toddler. As long as bubbs has had a feed they will b fine with a grandparent or someone and you could maybe take Ricky to the park or find an activity just for you two. It will make him feel like he's still getting special time with his mummy and not being pushd out by the baby.
Sophie also used to like being involved, even if it was passing a nappy at changing time or something similar. Breast feeding is a good time to sit with a book together too. There are lots of things you can do to help, they're just a few. I'm sure you will learn lots more as your going along!!!
We are in exactly the same position. I have been trying to prepare C by spending some time in the room with her but watching tv rather than playing with her so that she is a bit more self reliant. I am hoping that when I am feeding the baby she won't see this then as any different. She is also practicing at being "gentle" with Mum and Dad's dog. I think she will be a great help as well - she is already helping unloading the shopping and picking things off the floor for me.
We were going to buy a present for C from the baby, but otherwise I think we will just have to play it by ear - if we can keep her on an even keel (she is very good) everything will be simpler.
All the best!
My eldest was really jealous when Imogen was born and he even smaked her when i wasnt looking and when i was holding her he would attempt to climb over me and his father, tantrums, screaming! Over 3 weeks though he soon settled down and then she would be the pretty baby lol
I had some problems with my eldest when my 2nd was born there was 2 years 8 months age difference but it only lasted a week and he took it out on me rather than his baby brother. When my second was 20 month we had our third and had no problems at all he worshipped her from day 1. To be honest I think it has more to do with the tempremant of the child rather than the age difference. My eldest is a bit more demanding and stroppy (like his mum lol) and so is my daughter where as our second boy is chilled and relaxed.

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