will he come round?


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Nov 16, 2011
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I was married and have 3 children with my ex the youngest being 7. Shortly before we split up last year i sufferd an ectopic pregnancy and had my left tube removed. I was told my right was blocked and i had polysistic overies so would need ivf to concieve.

I met somebody else 6 months ago an have just told him im pregnant. I thought this pregnancy was ectopic due to spotting however an early scan has shown everythings is fine.

The father has said we where only fbs and he wants nothing to do with me or the baby. He thinks i have lied and tried to trap him.

Am i being selfish if i keep it? I really want it.

He has a daughter already that he was tricked into having when he was only 16 and hes great with her.

Do you think he will come round or is he right and im being selfish keeping my baby?:confused:
I think you need to do what is right for you hun but accept that you may need to bring baby up without fob. xxx

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having the same situation at the moment with the father of my bambino, just as our lives were getting back on track i fall pregnant totally a mistake and i knew form day 1 after finding out that i would keep it.

Hes been trying to presuade me to have an abortion for the past 5 weeks and i nearly fell for it and went for it a week or so ago just to please him but after confiding in a friend they made me see sense and what i wanted.

I dont think were selfish for wanting to keep the baby maybe theyre being selfish in not thinking in us and wanting us to get rid as if its as easy as getin up every morning.

I plucked up the courage and told the father im keeping it and even said if you want to be involved which i hope you will as much as you can then your involved as of now not in 7 months time and hes slowly coming round to it and has said hell come to my next scan as the past 2 ive done on my own.

But its your decision xxx
I don't think you're being selfish at all, if anything it's the other way around really.

It's your body hun and against all those odds you have a LO tucked in there growing away. It's a shame that this guy can't appreciate that, but it will his loss in the long run. But maybe he will come round once he's calmed down? I'd just back off from him so he can have time to accep the situation and decide whether he want to be involved or not.

Congrats by the way, big congrats xxxxx
alig sounds a proper miracle baby so its got to be fate. Hopefully the father will come round.

Because of the fear of the csa it terrifies a lot of men when a partner gets pregnant. They seem convinced scaring you and being mean saying they won't be involved into an abortion is the way to go. My sons dad said some vile things to me and used intense pressure really in my face for days till i made an appt for one and he went home i rang and cancelled it. He still the next spent 3 months being vile. Then he accepted it and has been seeing him every 3 weeks once he was born(long distance). We keep csa out of it as i would worry he could not afford petrol to see son else. He gives me a set amount every month which i did declare when relevant. When i was on income support they accepted we had a private arrangement and did not try pressuring me so it can be done if its in the child's best interests..
If you want the baby then have it, you would only regret doing something you didnt want to do later on in life. Things happen for a reason, be glad that you found out what this man was like now rather than later. This baby is clearly a blessing and if he comes round great, if not he is clearly not worth the bother. x

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