Wiggly baby


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2008
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I was told that I wouldn't feel baby moving for quite a while yet but after wondering whether it's that for quite a while now I'm certain that the jiggling inside my insides is my little one making their presence known :dance: :) :dance: :) :dance: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Hi i have felt my little one since about 11 weeks, little flutters and twitches. Its a lovely feeling :cheer:
It seems to happen at the times I'm feeling most fed up too - like "it's ok Mum, I'm here!"
My LO doesnt stop, he kicks and kicks all the time, and had me up early this morning as he just wouldnt settle (I guess he is preparing me for his arrival :) ).

It is a lovely feeling but sometimes it hurts like hell!!
Hm...can baby develop fully but not get to the hurting me stage please?
oooh im jealous im still waiting, midwife said it could take up to 24 weeks to feel it :( i swear mines a super lazy baby :wall:
I started feeling movement at about 13 weeks so prob is LO xx
im dying to feel my baby move.... prob will be moaning about it when its kicking me and disco dancing in the middle of the night but at the min I cant wait to feel it! xx
Ive been feeling bean aswell but i admit it hurts a little as when i had my scan he/she was curled up and im sure i feel it when he/ she is uncurling themselves :lol:
I was positive I felt a flutter last night but felt silly because I thought it must be too early but now I don't know...

I was told you feel the second one sooner but I wasn't thinking it would be 13 weeks. I can't wait for it to be all the time!
mine was about 15 weeks with this baby and last night i lay there still in bed and he/she was wriggling and twitching away for over 2 hours solid :D :shock: It was lovely and deffo not wind :lol:
It was funny yesterday - I was asleep and the phone rang and I leapt out my skin - but so did baby - I thought s/he was going to leap right out of my tummy!
I thought i felt mine from 9 weeks, like something swimming around in my belly but everything seems to be saying you won't feel anything for a while yet, but the same feeling has grown momentum over the past few weeks and the poking sensation this morning that woke me from me sleeping on my belly (eek!) I think confirms it all for me. Its a lovely feeling!

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