Why would a letter be sent by recorded post?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Just wondering because there's been a letter delivered to my Mums house by recorded post..

Mum thinks it may be something to do with my work because they sent a letter there last week (Even though my pay slips get sent to my current address :roll: ) saying they've overpaid me by £850 and they will discuss it once I'm back at work. I'm not going back but they don't know that yet.

It's definately a letter, not a package. Could it be a court summons for an outstanding bill or something? Would it be sent by recorded post? I don't have any outstanding bills full stop..but I'm worried! I'm so impatient and need to know now!!! Argh! Any ideas?
Sounds like it will be them proposing a meeting or something about the money.

All letters from my HR over my SMP complaint came recorded delivery.
I would say a letter sent by recorded post would be important enough for the sender to want to know and prove you have received it.
I would say it's going to be someone wanting money from you :( .
yeh probably work or defo sumone wanting money from you!

The whole point of recorded delivery is so that the sender can proove you received it.
You can't get it without someone signing for it.

If royal mail can't deliver it after 3 weeks they should return it to the sender :) :wink:
A common misconception is that somehow it's safer than going first class but it's not. It still goes 1st or 2nd just the postman wont hand it over until you sign for it. They do go missing fairly often as a result :roll: but if the postman has tried delivering it then obviously he'll have a card relating to the item so when you ring up the deppo they can find it to re-arrange delivery 8)

It'll most likely be your work. I've never had or seen a letter for over due bills or even court summons sent recorded delivery - the companies don't want to spend the extra money proving it they just tell you tough luck they sent it out :shock:

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