Why is it...


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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That when you get to this stage nearly every email, text, phone call you get is "Havent you had that baby yet?"

Err no

"Oooh you want to try...." then you get a list of things to deliberately start labour :?

I don't mind taking or doing things that help the birth process like raspberry leaf tea to tone the cervix, my exercise ball to encourage him down but to take something deliberate to start labour off is a no no for me. He'll come out when he's good and ready and not because Ive taken castor oil, eaten pineapples or had a good leg over :lol:

I'm not *that* uncomfortable & deperate yet neither have I reached my due date, when I do then I might have a brisk walk and a tin of pineapples but before then why can't I just stay pregnant without everyone willing the poor child out before he's good and ready?
Everything is heading that way, backache, cramps etc but I keep getting helpful suggestions everytime I check my email as to what can start me off :roll:

God they're impatient!
:hug: thing is you're probably more impatient than them,you're doing the hard work! I'm dreading that bit as I know I'll prob snap!

On the plus side as for things to speed up birth.... my cravings anyway are sex,pineapple and curry.

they've been cnstant all the way through so he's probably immune to them anyway! :rotfl:

Good luck, next time though just switch off or accidentally press delete :wink: :hug:
Oliver was over due by ten days. Everyday I would get at least ten messages. I stopped replying in the end!

lol my mum actually told me to try and keep the baby in until after its due date when she gets time off work :lol: .
I remember reading somewhere that when you tell people your pregnant, tell them that your due day is two weeks later than what it is, so then you can go overdue without all the hassle of 'is the baby here yet?', guess its a bit late to be telling you that now though :rotfl: .
I can understand if it say someone like Becks who's had a show so labour is pretty imminent & I'd be on pins the whole time but Ive had nothing to write home about really, the odd twinge here and there but no show, no contractions and my waters havent broke so therefore baby isnt ready. Pregnancy is something I may or may not ever experience again, yes its uncomfortable at times but Ive had a very nice experience on the whole and not in any rush to force my boy out before he's cooked proper :lol:

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