why is it getting worse?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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Teddy managed to get himself in a routine of feeding every 3/3.5 hours day and night from about a week and a half old. However he has started feeding every 1/2 hours the past few days and for much longer. I could cope on 3 hours sleep here and there just about but now i am really struggling, as soon as a lay down its time to get back up again! I tried expressing so someone else could feed him a couple of weeks ago but after 2 days of expressing on and off he guzzled it down and still screamed for more so i had to get up and do it anyway. I just wondered what i am doing wrong to make him wake this often. Is he not sposed to start dropping feeds not adding them?
Logan did the same and also jumped from 50th to 75th weight line at about the same age. How much were you expressing> I used to do about 3 to 4 oz and the botemless pit would take it all

It will get better, it could be a growth spurt (not all of them last for 2 days some are more) and even if it is increased appetite it will slow down over time.

Its sound quite normal to me babys only have small stomachs so feed little and often hes probaly having a growth spurt.

Have you though about co-sleeping to get some more sleep.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds like a growth spurt and also your LO's tummy isn't that big so he needs to feed little and often.

I'd just relax about it, let LO feed as and when (heis hungry so no point trying to fob him off) and he'll sort things out as the growth spurt passes. I remember my LO being on my boob for about 20 hours out of 24 for weeks after he was born. Growth spurts escpecially were hard work but I just took to the bed and fed him then.
Sherlock said:
Sounds like a growth spurt and also your LO's tummy isn't that big so he needs to feed little and often.

I'd just relax about it, let LO feed as and when (heis hungry so no point trying to fob him off) and he'll sort things out as the growth spurt passes. I remember my LO being on my boob for about 20 hours out of 24 for weeks after he was born. Growth spurts escpecially were hard work but I just took to the bed and fed him then.

Totaly agree with Sherlock

You know when they've hit because you even more shattered than usual, your whole routine has gone out the window (or what you had of one) and you feel like your not giving enough.

Best thing is to keep putting him on your boobs hun, thats what hes trying to do, trying to build your supply to match his needs :hug:
I agree, unfortunately we went through this too, a couple of times, she would spend all day attached to my boob.

I just gave in and slept with her, it made it so much easier for us and for her and it means i never have to properly wake up if she has a bad night.
Thanks for the replies girls. He has gone back to his usual waking up everything 3 hours and being satisfied with boob and nappy change and settling back down with a dummy! Hurray! Bit more sleep for me. I am guessing it was some sort of growth spurt. I dont want to co-sleep as i dont think its for me plus i would be scared to move a muscle!
Apparently when babies are having growth spurts they do feed more often as that makes ya boobies produce more milk, so my MW told me. Bottle fed babies do the same cuz it's an instinct thing and no-ones told them it don't work with bottles!!

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
Apparently when babies are having growth spurts they do feed more often as that makes ya boobies produce more milk, so my MW told me. Bottle fed babies do the same cuz it's an instinct thing and no-ones told them it don't work with bottles!!

Sarah xxx

I know, the aptamil carton states a 2-4 week old should have approx 5 feeds a day... try telling Isla that! Shes on about 10!!
She got weighed yesterday and has had a huge growth spurt so it could be the same Pooch :hug:

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