AHhhhhhhhhhhh ................


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Dylan has gone from feeding every 3/4 hours to now wanting feeds every 2 hours. Its a nightmare. I cant get nothing done! He starts niggling for a bottle every hour and half and i have to push him that extra half hour to get him to 2 hours. He is still the same in the night though... only waking once for a feed??

He is 14 weeks today. So is he too early for a growth spurt?

Also, i went 2 weeks overdue with him so would this make a difference in when you need to wean him?

ANY advice much appreciated!
Connie was doing this last week. Every 2 hours she was crying and munching on fist then would only take 30-60 ml :wall: . I have to use distraction and spend a lot of time entertaining and going for walks as she's not really hungry just bored. She's now every 3-4 hours so better than every 2.
He's very close to 4 months so maybe it's the start of the dreaded 4 month growth spurt :think: It which case his behaviour sounds about right. I hope he's not like it too long for you.
jennifer1981 said:
Also, i went 2 weeks overdue with him so would this make a difference in when you need to wean him?

You don't need to wean him at 4 months (17 weeks iirc is when you can start from in weeks), its recommended to start at around 6 months but can be done sooner if need be.

IIRC the fact you went overdue should not affect the earliest weaning date. It would still be 17 weeks from when he was born. His gut needs time to mature properly once born and 17 weeks/4 months is the earliest it can start to cope with food. I'd not be in any great rush to wean personally.

Sounds to me like a bit of a growth spurt. I'd go with the flow and let him feed. Its only for a short time and chances are it will pass within a couple of weeks. I don't see it helps if a baby is hungry to not feed them. Have you upped how much he has in each bottle at all? Or is he pretty much about on his limit already?
Thanks for your advice so far girls...

I make him 6oz of bottle up and he usually has between 5/6oz per feed when he is feeding every 3 hours. However since he has started wanting feeding every 2 hours he is taking between 4/6oz (generally 4oz per feed). Iv tried everything to put him off wawnting his bottle like distracting him with playing, changing his nappy (even though its barely wet), cuddling him, getting him to sleep etc but nothing works... he WANTS that bottle?!
Just feed him when he wants it. If he's hungry then you can't help that.
Do you think i should try him on hungry baby milk? He is currently on cow and gate 1... i dont know whether to try cow and gate 2? does anyone know the pros/cons of upping his milk? :doh:

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