Why dont i have period pains anymore?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I used to have really bad period pains to the point where i would throw up or pass out but the last 3 (since i got my first BFP :cry: ) I havnt had any at all but my periods have been really heavy :oops:

Is that normal? What could be causeing it?
That sound more like a stroke of luck than anything to worry about Hon, maybe it's a little gift from nature to say sorry for not giving you a baby yet :hug:
I've noticed that since coming off the pill that I have no warning cramps or bad back before AF arrives :shock: It's funny because I thought that it should have been the other way round. Still I'm not complaining :D

I agree with Becs and maybe your body letting you in gently before it gets you pg :D
I hope so, im also really tired, only brown blood this month and feel really sick :puke: Still dont think i am pg though. :hug: Glad it didnt happen this month but hope it does next month. (Im falling off my TTC ticker!!!)
I used to have really bad period pains to the point where i would throw up or pass out but the last 3 (since i got my first BFP :cry: ) I havnt had any at all but my periods have been really heavy :oops:

Is that normal? What could be causeing it?

Going through the exact same thing and naturally it makes one hope for the best. Was wondering what does "BFP" mean exactly?

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