Why does my baby


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Smile for everyone else but me! She doesn't smile properly yet she's still trying but everytime a smile does come out of her it's for someone else! Not once has she smiled for me! Im only the one who gets up in the night, changes her nappy the majority of the time, baths her, plays wiyth her, sings to her and gives her my on tit on demand! Lol
She's saving the best til last! :)
My LO was late to smile and the toys on her changing table still get more than me - she's always really pleased to see them. But I think I get the best snuggles - she likes mummy hugs the most!!
Abigail is the same with me, she smiles all the time for OH but never does for me.. I just say she must be a daddy's girl lol...x
maybe its a novelty thing? mhairi is the same lol, smiles for everyone else far more than me, including her bloody dad, grrr. but when shes upset only mummy will do :) thats nice then, and when i do get smiles, theyre far better than anyone elses :) x
Harrys the same he'll smile at every one else but me he's a propper daddys boy at the minute as soon as mark walks in he's smiley and gets really excited, I just get punched in the face and my hair pulled! He's only just starting to smile at me but everyone else must be more interesting! Daddy must be funny to look at if he keeps smiling just at him! Lol he loves cuddles with mummy more than anyone else though :)
My l/o was absolutely beaming at complete strangers in a cafe this week, he attracted quite a crowd of cooing ladies in the end. Pretty sure it's a novelty thing x
Alyssa did that, now she in a clingy phase so she smiles biggest at me but even tho she smiles at other ppl she cries like 5 mins after they hold her, even her dad
Are they real smiles? Do her eyes smile as well? If not then it could be the "I'm going to fake smile at you so you think I'm cute just in case" lol. People will say babies can't manipulate but they can, it's all part of their survival technique. Human babies are pretty useless physically, they can't defend themselves or run away so they rely on adults to protect them.....and what better way than to smile at other people they may need to rely on apart from their mummy

it might be because she sees you all the time and others not so often so she is happy to see them, im not saying she aint happy to see you its just as your always there she takes you for granted kinda thing and thinks i dont need to smile at you coz ur always there, if you left her with someone for the day and then went back you would prob get one then as if to say yes she is back xx
Well im hoping I get more smiles out of her when she starts smiling properly otherwise I'm sending her back....now where did I put that receipt?? Lol
Aww bless.

I'm sure she'll be beaming at you soon enough.

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