Why do you use HIPP? Being Nosey.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Hello everyone,

Until 2 weeks ago, I used HIPP for Sam. The reason being as a family we eat organic as much as possible and wanted to do the same for our children.

I just wondered why other mums use it....because it's organic?....because it's the cheapest?.....because your baby tolerates it well?

I'm actually using Aptimal now. My reason for changing was because Sam's poo smelt awful with HIPP and also the Aptimal seems to be better nutritionally (eg contains essential fatty acids that the HIPP stage 1 doesn't, contains more zinc which is usually a good indicator of a quality formula apparently). I guess in my plight to make Sam an organic baby maybe I was missing the point nutritionally (for us anyway).

When I was shopping last week a mum in the baby aisle said I should use HIPP "because it's £2 cheaper" after seeing me buy Aptimal. I explained that I used but had switched, so just thought I'd be nosey and see why you use HIPP :D

I don't use the formula as I bf but my sister does. She was using Hipp as the sma/cow & gate gave her daughter an upset tummy. However she has recently changed to the Aptimal and she said her daughter's poos are less smelly, she is sleeping better and seems more settled in general. She changed because she kept having problems getting the Hipp. Oh and her daughter is 7 weeks old - if it makes any diffeence?
We use it every so often but I find although it's cheaper it doesn't seem to last as long as Cow and Gate so maybe the spoons are bigger?

Either way, I tried it because it was cheaper and I hadn't seen it around before and was a bit bored with C&G, and Ryan got on with it well so bonus. I just switch between the 2 every so often when I feel like a change lol.

We do use Hipp food though, but because I like the meal options and they smell and have a consistency a bit more like normal food which is reassuring. The Heinz baby foods for example dont smell or look anything like what they are meant to be. But yeah, I ent really into organic if that was the question.. I wouldn't pick something just for being organic :D lol
Because it's cheaper!
We used Aptamil for the first 6 months. Ella isn't bothered either way.
Price for me too and cos it is organic

We were using Aptimal but it was making Finlay sick so switched
Maddison is a bit older and doesnt get formula now but she does get Hipp jars. I give her these because they are more like proper food than any of the others :wink:
We mix feed and use HiPP because it is organic. I had no idea it was cheaper until another post pointed it out. I think it is the only organic formula on the market so unless it really doesn't agree with him we won't change. We eat about 90% organic ourselves and we advised to when we were TTC as we were having a bit of trouble conceiving.

I wonder why the formula is less expensive than other non-organic makes but yet food in general is more expensive when it is organic?
we used it..it is cheaper but you use more powder compared to other brands so bottle wise you are actually spending more..we swapped coz only big stores sell it ehre we ran out one sunday :wall: and had to swap so picked cow and gate
The scoop sizes have now been brought in line with other formula brands, yet the price and weight are still the same. So it IS cheaper!

We use it, mainly cos its organic and Aptimal made LO sick.
Started on Cow and Gate with Lewis.

He was a very colicky baby, and when he went for his first check at the Doctors, she said that she put one of her babies on it and it really helped calm her down.

So, after that recommendation tried him on it and he's been happy on it and it did really settle him down!
He's on Hipp jars now too!

Also they don't do a "hungry baby" version - which I think they should outlaw! That stuff is nothing but gimmick and just makes babies fatter!!!!! (sorry, mini rant there!) :rotfl:
I use the Hipp jars because I find that they smell and taste a lot better than the others. xxx

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